cameron dallas (dirty)

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your out for your late night run (11:30pm)

and you get a text from your boyfriend Cameron.

cam: where the hell are you!

you: out running, wtf is your issue?

cam: get home fast, or you'll regret it!.

you: ok, holy shit, bye

(end of texts)

you get home and you open the front door really slow, and when you get in you walk around really quietly.

as your trying to be quiet walking up the stairs you feel someone grab your waist.

you start screaming.


Cameron puts you down and pounds his lips against yours.

he starts kissing down your neck & it causes you to moan.

he starts to leave hickies on your neck.

Cameron: "have fun trying to walk tomorrow"

next thing you know you and Cameron are in a deep make-out.

as your making-out you hear Cameron say


you do as your told and he's holding your waist with your legs around his,

he picks you up and carries you up to your shared bedroom.

he throws you on the bed, and hovers over you and starts kissing down your neck & stomache.

he comes back up and starts taking your sports bra off.

you pulls it over your head and you hide your "bumps" because your shy to show your body to Cameron.

Cameron whispers lightly in your ear.

"don't hide your body around me, your honestly too perfect to hide what you have"

you remove your hands from your "bumps" and Cameron starts kissing down your chest area and is near your belly button.

he starts playing with the band of your underwear. you grab his shirt and pull him up.


Cameron replies aggressively.

"I'll try 😏"

"it's honestly really hard for me to not want you in the morning, because all I really want is to go down on you 24/7"

you feel shivers going down your WHOLE ENTIRE body.

and Cameron takes your underwear off with his teeth.

he just looks at you and smirks.

you feel like he is not going to be gental down there.

he opens your legs and you feel pain right away.

Cameron only has 2 finger inside you.

you start screaming


he says from "down there"

"it will only hurt for a second, just try me.."

you take his word as he puts 3! fingers inside you, as he's pumping in & out of you and adds his toung.

you start screaming out of pleasure.

he just keeps going faster & faster.

you "let go" in his mouth.

he comes up to your lips and you just strip him.

as he places his length at your "opening" you prepare for pain.

he notices that you look like your in pain.

"am I hurting you? because I just wanted to make you feel good down there"

you say with hesitation

"n-n-no Cameron please go, I just want you in me"

he just does as you say.

he enters you.

you didn't notice Cameron looking at you. but you started crying.

you honestly didn't feel any pleasure.

all you wanted was for him to stop.

but you wanted to make him happy.

so you let him keep going.

Cameron can handle seeing you in pain that he's putting you through (even worse)

"I can't do this, I'm not even making you feel good"

you reply with anger.

" YES. yes I am, please just keep going...please.."

he keeps going and your pain soon does turn into pleasure.


you moan/scream

he keeps going faster like he's done this 100 times (let's hope not *hint hint* man whore)

you start moaning

"I'm cl-o-ose"

you leg go and so does cam.

you pulls out and lays beside you, and wraps his arms around your waist and he pulls the sheet over you both and you both drift off to sleep (naked)

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