You Came

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"Ace!" Luffy cried, calling out to his brother who was craddling his burnt arm as Akainu stared down at him with pure menace and murderous intent.

Yet as he took a step forward, he stumbled and fell down on his knees, coughing as he tried to catch his breath.

"Luffy! You've reached your limit!" Jinbe anxiously called out, making his way towards the boy.

Ace's vivre card, now fully reformed, had fallen out of his vest and landed a few feet away from him. As he crouched down in exhaustion, all Ace could do was helplessly realize that they've been struck down easily.

"Ace's Vivre Card..." Luffy muttered to himself as he spotted it and reached out for the piece of paper.

Just then, Akainu began to speak again.

With a loud, booming voice, he spoke, "The son of the Pirate King, Roger, and  the son of the Revolutionary, Dragon. To think the both of you met and became brothers is indeed, a haunting thought."

Ace glared at him, as he went on.

"But know that your very bloodlines are a sin of the highest order. Your fates have long been decided. I don't care if every other pirate escapes here, I will not allow the both of you to leave here alive," Akainu declared.

Once more, he looked down at Ace with disgust before saying, "Now, take a good look..."

Glancing up, Ace saw that his eyes moved away towards someone behind him.

A struck of realization hit him, and his eyes widened in fear, his head jerked up in an instant. "WAIT!"

But Akainu didn't wait. He swiftly jumped over him, his fists billowing out clouds of smoke and magma, as he aimed for Luffy's head, who didn't realize his current state.

A few feet ahead, a man in a coat and a pipe in his hand positioned in a launching stance.

"LUFFY!" Ace screamed, panic and desperation in his face. Forgetting the pain and exhaustion, he leapt up and dashed for his brother, turning into a ball of fire to speed up more.

Luffy, upon hearing his brother's cry, looked up and saw Akainu lunging straight at him. But he froze; due to the exhaustion or fear, no one ever knew.

Right when Akainu was about to smash his fist on him, a ball of fire pushed him back, and the man who waited for this very moment, launched himself towards the scene.

Akainu brought down his fist, magma and smoke erupting around him.

It crashed right into the stone floor.

Because through the thick smoke came through Luffy, Ace, and the man who grabbed them safely out of the way.

Luffy and Ace were shocked. The man, with blonde hair, dressed like a gentleman, and a determined grin in his face, yelled at the top of his voice.


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