Part I 🦋 - The Rain Boy

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It was a rainy evening.

The sound of raindrops hitting the grounds accompanied with the sound of whirling wind out of the window was clear to the ears. Those people that still walked outside by that time would curse the rain while those who were already inside, probably would enjoy the comforting company it offered.

Sitting on the chair next to the table by he window was Mark Lee, long sleeve sweater wrapped around his figure. The man was looking outside of the window, at how each drops of the rain hit the now damp green grass below. His right hand was holding a phone, pressing it to his ear as he talked with the voice that was almost as low as the music he was playing.

"Yes, I am done working. I am just about to have dinner no
Mark said, eyelashes fluttered down to rest on his cheeks as he looked at the table, to a box of takeaway delivery that he ordered from a nearby restaurant.

"I am eating mabo tofu. Yes, I am eating well and fine. What about you, mom? How is it there?" He asked his mom, his bare feet tapped the floor to follow the rhythm of the song. "Is Felix doing alright too? Yes, Felix loves to wake up late. You should scold him more often."

A chuckle escaped Mark's lips as he heard the sound of his mom on the other line calling Felix, his older brother for breakfast with high tone.

"I will, I will call again. Yes, everything's good. You don't have to worry about me. Okay-, give my regards to Felix. Don't let him sleep any longer mom-, he'd be late. Ahahaha. Okay-, sure. See you. I love you."

Mark smiled at the sweet farewell his mother gave, before he put the phone down on the table. He stared at the empty space for a bit, his expression blank. Flashes of things filling his mind, reminding him of things he had avoided for years.

Mark sighed. He looked up at the clock. It was 8.23. His rice shall be cooked in no time.

The dark haired man got up after giving one last glance to the window, before come to make himself a cup of tea. He returned back to the table with a glass of warm earl grey on his hand, a perfect type of tea he always enjoys whenever it rains. He brought along with him a thick book, ready to surf away to another dimension with the story written on the pages of the book-, but upon returning he saw someone was standing outside his house. From behind the short fences Mark built just for the sake of keeping random animal come and destroying his little indoor garden, Mark could see that it was a man standing over there, under the rain, completely soaked without any umbrella.

What the hell was that man doing there?

Mark stayed still on his spot, not sitting down as he looked at the man. That man seemed to be reading the white wooden board Mark put over there, indicating that his home was also his office.

Mark Lee, Ph.D. - Psychiatrist.

The man took some moments before reaching out to press the button beside the fence, and Mark looked up as the sound of the bell rang all over his house. Mark hugged himself a bit as he got up and paced around in his dining room, biting his lower lip. He would be crazy if he really opened the door for the man at this hour, not when Mark stayed in his house by himself. Exhaling his breathe, Mark decided to ignore the man. He sat down on his table, glancing at the figure there and started to drink his tea.

He wanted to ignore the other and proceeded with his life, but his eyes kept on returning back to the figure over there-, who was bu that time had already sat on the ground, pulling his knees toward his chest. Mark felt a pang of guilt as he stood up again, locking his gaze on the bundle of sadness before sighed, rubbing his hand onto his face.

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