Three Chapters Left

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Hey everyone. Wolfsun97 here with an important announcement. First, I hope you all have been enjoying this book. I must admit that I never expected the How I met my Harem series to become so popular and dear to my heart. However, just like with the first book, the time has come to wait for more waifus to arrive. That means that there only a couple of chapters left in this book to write.

One of these chapters is the Tamamo no Mae chapter which will be fairly simple. Then it will be followed by a more complex chapter as I'll be including four girls in a single chapter as they are all connected story-wise. After that, all that's left is to write the Last chapter in this book and How I met my Harem 2 will be complete.

However, that doesn't mean the story is over. I have already released the next book in the How I met my Harem series: How I met my Harem 2.5.

The book already includes the list of the girls appearing in the next book which will include the girls from this book and girls from the original book who I didn't get to How I met my Harem 1.5. Now, what I need you, the readers, to do is to go that that book and comment on which girl you want to go on a date first which will help me a lot so I can start writing chapters as soon as this book is done. Until then, this is Wolfsun97 signing out.

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