parents are the worst when it comes to this fr. they would never understand our mental health. like ever. they'll thought that they are cool w the lines "iT iS fIne iT iS okAy" "eVerYthIng wILL be FinE" "wE aRe herE fOr yOu iTs nOt wHat yOu thInk yOurE jUst eXpEriEnciNg a pHase" "iVe bEen theRe iTLL bE fInE" "dOnT be Sad" when in fact it never made me happy nor feel a lil comfort. its not what you guys think it is. yall not even helping, yall guys making everything just worse than before and its killing me.
ik you are trying your best but that just aint it. stop. it already. funny how you guys always tell us "hey kids dont forget to open up to us when u guys are experiencing smth like sadness alright?" but when we did yall guys be like "pffft you just think that its like that but its not ok cheer up u are overreacting stop being so,,, sad always like its the end of the fucking world yolo" wELL IM SORRY? BECAUSE ITS NOT THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD BUT THE END OF THE FUCKING ME. SMH. HUH.
im sorry when im always sad and unhappy and lonely and alone and dark and dull and black. its my fault and im the one to blame.
yall guys are. just. :(