9. Stay Alive

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Andy Black

Bruce didn't remember much of what happened next. He recalled a violent scream tearing from his lips, a flashback to his parents' deaths, bodies falling to the ground. He remembered Joker's thin form collapsing onto the pile of bones and blood from his victims. He should've been happy, he should have rejoiced at the end of such a terrible person, but he couldn't. He could remember that one night they shared, the fleeting kiss right before...Before...

He couldn't cry. Bruce forced himself to take action, peeling off Joker's shirt and wrapping it around the bullet wound. He glanced at the door, spotting the police struggling to enter the bank. He couldn't let them near Joker. Knowing the Gotham law enforcement, they'd end up leaving the clown for dead.

Cradling the unconscious - hopefully just unconscious - man in his arms, Batman bounded through the slippery lobby, spotting a cracked window toward the back. Carefully adjusting Joker onto the floor for a brief moment, he picked up several pieces of rubble and tossed it at the glass. It shattered. Picking up Joker once more, seeing that the police were heading in his direction to see what had caused the loud sound, Bruce charged through the empty space, pulling out his grappling hook and aiming at a rooftop.

"Alfred," he called into his intercom after landing on top of the building, just in time, "I need you to pick me up. There's been a few....complications."

He looked over the edge of the brick building, seeing the police at a complete loss. He crawled over to Joker, checking for a pulse and find a weak beating. Bruce collapsed on top of the body, half for joy and half for desperation. "You stupid fool!"

Alfred picked them up a few minutes later, discreetly flying them back to Wayne Manor. Bruce immediately called a trusted doctor, getting Joker to his private hospital-like room as soon as possible. His butler had thought it best for Bruce to wait in his own rooms while the physician took care of Joker. Alfred sat on his long modern sofa while Bruce collapsed onto his bed, groaning.

"Master Bruce. Why do you care for him so? He's clearly insane."

Bruce rolled over, sighing heavily. "I don't know. There's something about him..."

"I never thought you the type to be attracted to men, let alone someone like him." Alfred leaned on the last word, as if saying the name was strictly taboo.

"I never thought I was either, really. It just sort of happened so fast and now, now I don't think I could live without him." he laughed humorlessly.

"He could die."

"I would be so lucky. No, he'll live - he has to."

Alfred raised an eyebrow but didn't respond to the comment. Instead he sat in silence, watching his son-figure fiddle with his thumbs, anxiously awaiting the call from one of the doctors. Without meaning to, Bruce fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of a certain green-haired clown, who, at that same moment, was dreaming about Batman.


Joker didn't want to open his eyes, even to find out who was holding his hand. Instead, he focused on his other senses, letting his mind wonder about whose rough, large mitt was in his own, whose fingers were tracing lines in his palm.

Everything was silent, as if everyone in the room was holding their breath. The scent of antibacterials and harsh cleaning solutions wafted through the dry air. Joker couldn't help but scrunch up his nose, which seemed to surprise whoever was holding his hand.

They sucked in a deep breath, hand stopping its methodical movements. Joker frowned inwardly, finding he quite liked the feeling. "Don't stop," he groaned, still refusing to open his eyes.

He heard the low chuckle of a very familiar man, fingers once again playing with his palm. Joker could feel Bruce hovering just above him, other hand caressing the side of his face. "Open your eyes," he whispered.

Before Bruce said that, Joker had seriously been considering doing just that, to see his handsome face, but now he couldn't. Shaking his head slowly by rocking it back and forth against the pillow, he grinned at him - where he sensed the other to be that is. "Nope."

He popped the "p" with his lips, smile widening. The aches and pains in his chest had gone numb, probably because of morphine or other painkillers Bruce had given him. The man leaned closer to him, breath brushing Joker's pale face, smelling of egg and bread. Was it the morning? "Mm, what time is it?"

Bruce chuckled. "Open your eyes and find out."

He thought for a moment. "No. I think I'd rather -"

He was cut off my Bruce's lips against his own. Joker did, in fact open his eyes then, sheer surprise starling him. But the dark haired man had closed his, not that there was much to see. Everything was a blur of black hair and pale skin and his own green locks falling into his face. He watched in horror as Bruce looked at him as he pulled away, smirking. "There we go."

Joker's mouth dropped open. "You bastard!"

His voice was hoarse from lack of water, cracking as he spoke. Bruce laughed, licking his lips as he went in for more. "Does that come as a surprise?"

Joker leaned into Bruce, completely forgetting how he had come to be in this situation in the first place. This time, it was the Joker to pull away. He looked around the sterile room, seeing a small paper cup full of water. Bruce saw he was looking at it and picked up. "Thirsty?"

He nodded, reaching for the beverage. Bruce only smiled mischievously, using his pointer finger to tug on Joker's chin, making him open his mouth. Rolling his eyes, Joker did as directed, begrudgingly letting Bruce pour the water into his mouth.

Once Joker decided his pride had been hurt enough, he sat up, pushing Bruce and the water away. The black haired man grinned, sitting himself on the edge of the bed and pecking Joker's now wet lips once more. "Jesus Christ! Stop!"

"Hmmm...No. You owe me."

Joker jerked backwards, "Excuse me?"

Bruce grabbed his face, holding it in place. "You heard me. Now shut up so I can kiss you."

Do you guys want smut?

Stay alive for the good times
Stay alive through the bad
Stay alive for the hopes and the fears and the dreams
The best that we ever had

I keep telling myself I can take you
From this God-forsaken place
Stay alive for the good times
Stay alive through the bad

Obsession (Batman x Joker)Where stories live. Discover now