Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung is 24 year old man that lives a dream life according to people perspective .He owns a marketing and event brand which makes him have a super rich life style . He has 6 loving best friends that are more like brothers still there is a lack of love in his life .

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A love from an understanding partner with mutual feelings that he never witnessed before in his Experience

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A love from an understanding partner with mutual feelings that he never witnessed before in his Experience. Its been 2 years since he's been single .

He often wonders why girls leave him after completing their desires , is lust all they had for him ? Is his love not enough for them or he is not good enough compared to other men .

He often felt sad and lonely, even a slightest affection brought joy to him but these past years he started to fee empty and broken.

Kim Taehyung started to have hate for love . Whenever he saw a couple he felt disgusted.

This year on his birthday his hyungs planned a party for him at his place .

[ Taehyung's pov ]

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[ Taehyung's pov ]

I literally have the best hyungs in whole world . I was having a great time thinking its just me and them the whole night and we can have the time of our life until the doorbell rang . Suga Hyung went to answer the door .

As soon as the door open i heard giggles and laughs of these women they are dating which was really annoying to me . The came and greeted me while being all touchy and i could not take it anymore

"Excuse me but i feel sick I think ill just rest for a while" i said gazing at the boys . "Are you okay Hyung? Did something upset you? Jungkook asked me . "Im fine leave me alone" i said .

Suddenly Jin Hyung yelled me " Kim Taehyung this is not the way to act when you see guest , or i should say girls" . I replied him " lets not push this problem it further and let me rest"

I went into the room when i felt someone approaching me . "Im concerned about you tae" Jimin said in a low voice . I could do nothing but burst into tears things about the fact how much i hate love and women that i cant stand it even when it comes to my

" Taehyung listen to me carefully alright! Your need to see a therapist or I should say a psychiatrist maybe" jimin said to me .

"DO THINK IM A PSYCHOPATH?" I replied . "No Taehyung its not that its just you hate for love is not healthy for you in anyway . ill just leave a card of the Therapist i know on your table if you thing I'm right please think over its , its better for you and us" jimin said and left my room

After few minutes I noticed everyone has left my house and i was left alone . I stared at the card jimin left for a while and accepted the fact that I'm turning worst day by day .

Its to late right now to call someone ill just try and get an appointment tomorrow

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