"What is this?"
The outraged shout was nearly lost in the din of surprised cries and pounding boots of polemistís with Pyralis' hooves galloping on the marble floors behind them. All the same, the crowd backed away from the group of warriors flooding from the ring of scorching blue flames. Kore sat with her spine straight on her steeds back, sword at her hip and Georgios' head clenched in her fist. The polemistís parted to make a path for Kore as she urged Pyralis before a looming marble throne and the hulking god standing rigidly in front of it.
"Zeus," Kore called with a slight tilt of her head. "Please excuse the filth. I've been through a... trying ordeal."
The sky outside of the glass dome curving overhead darkened, thunder cracking above them. "Explain yourself."
"Persephone, what's happened to you?"
Demeter cast an imperious look at Kore's band of warriors before stepping forward, gently grasping her hand to twist her shackled wrist. "What is this?"
"The girl was warned," Zeus boomed. Lightning cracked the sky. "It was time she was brought home, and it was time that she answered for her actions."
The deep green gauze of her gown flared as Demeter spun on the heels of her bare feet. "You did this? You put these things on my girls' wrists?"
"If you ask me, he should have just done away with your brat. Be grateful that she's here with the self-righteousness she inherited from you to support her spine."
At her husband's side, Hera tossed her head, her blond locks flaring before settling perfectly in a pin straight sheet down her back. Kore had never seen the woman without that look of bitter disgust in her eyes. Yet it was never entirely focused on the true source.
Kore jumped from her horse, gently shouldering her mother aside. Flinging the severed head in the air, she ignored Demeter's gasp as it exploded into blood red peonies at Zeus's feet.
"A gift," she announced with a deep bow.
"You will not disrespect me-"
"If you set your treacherous hands to move your pawns inside of my lands again, I will show you true disrespect." Remounting, she raised her chin. "I am not Hades. I am not Persephone. I am not weak. I am not yours to control. The next time you see fit to move me I will crack open the bowels of Tartarus and unleash the whole of it along with the polemistís of Domos Haidou and my own wrath onto your precious Olympus."
Kore spared her mother one last parting glance, saying her final goodbye before leaving Olympus behind her.
Kore fussed with her hair, finally clean and curling at her shoulders before knocking on the heavy door, frowning when she got no reply. Just before she tried again the heavy wood swung open. Abaddon peered at her through heavy lids, gleaming gold winding down his arm to his fingertips.
"What happened?"
Kore lifted a square board and a small black bag between them. "Play a game with me?"
His brows furrowed in confusion. For a moment Kore thought he might refuse, but he stepped back and allowed her room to pass. She'd never been in his chambers before, and she hungrily took in every detail. It was a simple space, a bed, a small desk with one chair, and bare walls. She settled on the floor, laying the board in front of her and emptying the pouch into her palm. Abaddon sat across from her. Watching her place the smooth, round pieces into the grooves of the board, he rubbed the back of his neck.
"What are we going to do about the traitors," She asked. "Do you think that there are more of them?"
"I'm watching, and I have others who will tell me if they find anything." At her frown, he chuckled. "I chose those who I'd trust with my life. There's no need to worry."
Kore nodded and moved a piece on the board. "I trust you. I always have."
She watched him make his move after methodic consideration. They played in silence, the pauses between movements increasing. As he thought, metal links twisted through his fingertips. It was an old habit she'd always teased him about. She wiggled her fingers to mimic his motions, laughing when he scowled. He grasped her hand, stilling when his gaze landed on the shackles still on her wrist. The chains were gone, rough indentions on the smooth stone the only proof of their existence.
"They're actually quite pretty, don't you think?" She twisted so that the blue sparks gleamed in the light. "It was difficult to get the chains off with the sword by myself, but I managed. "
"I could have helped you." He stroked the scars on her wrists, and her nerves flared under his touch. Clearing her throat, she pulled away just enough to lace her fingers in his.
"You asked me what completely separating us from them left me."
He cocked his head, his brows knitting together. "You said 'free.'"
"Free to do as I pleased in a home I made for myself. Free to be myself. To be happy. Here. With you."
His silence filled the small room. Regret crept along Kore's flesh, stiffening her shoulders as she tried to tug her hands free. He released one, lifting his free hand to cradle the back of her head and guide lips to his. The kiss was a gentle caress, an affirmation that her home was beneath her fingertips.
He pulled away, a tenderness in his eyes he'd only allow her to see. Bringing her hand to his lips, he moved a piece on the board between them.

Short StoryTaken from her home to become the child bride of the ruler of the underworld, Kore has spent eons adapting to her savage surroundings. One lethal choice puts her on the throne. And she will do what it takes to keep her hands on the crown.