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Hello! Welcome to "When your mother sleeps"
Please be noted that this story has themes of suicide and forms of abuse. Readers may read at their own discretion.

Copyright Notice:

The characters, places, events, companies and all other elements in this story are fictitious.
Any similarity to any real persons (living or dead), places, happenings, fictitious characters and/ or establishments as well as any mentioned history are coincidental and not intended by the author. That includes the inventions (patented or not) mentioned in this story.

The opinions and dialogue said and mentioned by characters on real life events or sensitive subjects such as racism, sexism, politics etc. throughout the book does not reflect the personal opinion of the author and is written to deepen the story, characters, settings and the overall plot line.

"When your mother sleeps" is a personal, original work of the author. It's name and all titles are copyrighted under Law.

Copyright © 2019 by @Adolys
All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any other means, this book may not be stored in any database or retrieval system without permission from the author herself.

Any reader who wishes to quote passages in connection with reviews or inclusion to any other agenda should give credits to the book and the author.

This story is made through writing for the benefits if it's readers and supporters. It is free and the author does not charge any money to anyone upon reading it's contents.

Thank you.

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