Fuck management - Larry

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This one shot is going to be about what Louis tweeted. He answered someone that said that they don't deny Larry and he answered "Hows this, Larry is the biggest loud of bullshit I've ever heard. I'm happy why can't you accept that." And I just had to make it. So hope you like it, vote/comment/fan thnx!¨

WARNING: It sucks.

Louis POV

"Louis, please calm down!" Harry said walking behind me. I was so fucking pissed right now. How could management do that.  How could they tweet that about us. Okay, management is not happy about this but they have no right to do that. 

"Louis, please calm down." Calm down? How is he not angry right now?

"Calm down? Harry aren't you anrgy?" I said and sat down on the bed. He walked over to me and sat down beside me.

"Of course I'm angry. But there is nothing we can do about this Lou."  I knew he was right. I sighed and looked at him. God, how is it possible for someone to be that perfect? Harry really is perfect. He was absolutely flawless. And beautiful, his curly hair and his green eyes. 

"Stop drooling Lou." He said and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and look down at my hands. 

"But seriously Lou. Aren't you used to it by now? I mean, management ruining our life?" He said and smiled weakly at me. I could feel tears begin to roll down my face. 

"Lou, please don't cry. It was a joke." He said and wiped away my tears.

"But it's true Harry. You're right, they are ruining our lifes, kinda. I mean, at the beginning they said 'just be yourselves'. But now when we came out to them, they wanna change us. And not being able to walk hand in hand with you in public sucks because Harry I love you so damn much I can't sleep at night." I said almost shouting the last part. I was now standing up with tears in my eyes. But it was true. Somethimes I couldn't sleep. I lie awak wondering what might happen if we told the world the truth. It always ends happy when I imagine it. But there is a pretty big chance it's not going to end happy. This is not a fairytale. Harry walked up to me and put his hands on my waist. He smiled weakly at me.

"We'll get through this Boo." He said and wiped away a tear that rolled down my cheek.

"We love each other. We can't let them win, we have to stay strong and we can do that if we just stay together." He said and kissed me softly on the lips. 

Harry's POV (concert)

"And that's what makes you beautiful!" I finished the song and screams filled the air. I looked over at Louis who was already looking at me. We smiled at each other before we looked away. 

"Now the twitter questions!" Liam said and turned around to look at the big screen. 

"Okay, first question! What song of yours would you want Ed Sheeran to cover." Liam said and looked over at us.

"I think, like Same mistakes maybe?" Zayn said and we other just nodded.

"Yeah, or maybe I wish. But either way he would probably smash it." Niall said.

"Next question!" Zayn said and turned around so that he could read it. The question popped up and at first it was complete silence but then they screamed so loud that probably China heard. Both me and Louis turned aound to look at the question. 

"Oh... Erhm. I don't believe that it was Louis who tweeted that about Larry, so once and for all. Is Larry real?" Zayn said and looked at me and Louis. Louis and I just looked at each other in shock. What were we supposed to say? He looked down at his feet. He really didn't want to hide it anymore. Fuck management. They can't tell us how to live our lives.

"Yes." I said and Louis looked up at me. It was complete silence. The other boys new about us so they weren't so surprised by my words. I walked over to Louis and took his hand in mine.

"Yes it's ture. I love him and nothing can change that." I looked at Louis who smiled at me.

"I love you too Haz." He said and I leaned in and kiss him on the lips. 

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