M@tt is bae uwu(totallynotwrittenbymatt)(hesahummbleguy)(andsupperatractive)

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  Todd sat fuming in his room. Which was well... interesting. If you had you name its theme, it'd be "Gothic Communist." Aka edgy teen who hates his government and thinks communism is a good answer to fix a long broken country but ho boy let me tell you you don't need even two brain cells like our boi Matt to know that cr*p goes down hill real fuckin' fast like h*ck dawg-

  "Hey Tord?" Edd said knocking gently on Todd's door.

  Ugh, he really didn't want to deal with this right now, can't Edd see he's busy moping? And having gay feels? wait what the Блин he does is gay not? Чёрт what if he is Чёрт Чёрт he can't have the homo hots for TIM?!


  It's the best he could muster.

  "Do you wanna go to the park with me and Matt?"


  "Tord that's not an actual g*d d*mn answer."

  "psst Edd, it's Todd remember?? maybe that's why he won't answer?" Matt stage whispered. Todd just pretended he didn't hear that.

"Ugh. I guess not. I'll just do...stuff."

  'Stuff' indeed. Totally. Yep.

  "Alright you fuckin' weeb we'll leave you to your anime body pillows."

  Fr*ck he knows.Ёлки-палки.

"O////O" *audibly shooketh and undignified*


  Tim was a just a chilling still in the kitchen. Doing Tim things. Drinking copious amounts for Smirnoff, thinking about some good comebacks for his next fite w/ Todd, thinking bout how pretty Todd is, ya know, jus normal dude being a guy stuff. Big hetero hello to all amirite ;)

  "Hey Tom-"

"Tim how do you forget their names so easily Edd???"



"............. >:|"

"So Tomie"-fuck did Tim hate that nick name-"me and Matt are headed to the park and Tord's just gonna keep pouting in his room and not come with us, so, do you want to come?"

  "Eh, nah." Tim took a lingering gaze down the hall as a smirk crept onto his stubbly face. "I think I'll hang around the house today."

"...Hey Tim?"

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "yess sire Matt the first?" Tim said as mockingly as possible.

"Uh, how long should we be gone?"

"What?" came Tim and Edd's v confused replies?

"What? I don't wanna walk in on something I don't wanna see. Like I only want to see that st*ff if it's my MattxMatt fanfics."

"0///0 Bitch no i'm not like uh,um like gah for Tord especially like what?? Who'd like that guy he's not even that cute or anything haha."

  Nice save there Timmy boi, but no one believes you. Everyone in this household knows u wanna fr*ck that boy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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