Dreaming Of You(A GerIta Fanfic)

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*Dedicated to Italy and Germany

Dreaming Of You(A GerIta Fanfic)

Prologue- The End

I was caught in a world of darkness. No one could hear my voice and no one was there to hear it. Everyone I knew had disappeared. Everything I knew was lost. I was lost.

Nothing made sense and it was like I was caught in an endless torture of a maze. Nothing seemed real. It was all a lie. It couldn’t be real.

 I thought to myself, “Why is this happening to me? Why me?”

I kept running, hoping to find the way out of this nightmare. I saw a bright light up ahead and ran for it. The bright light lead to an open door and I swiftly pulled my cold fingers around the doorknob and yanked it open. When it opened all chaos had broke loose.

I found all my friends and everyone I loved fighting with each other. The firing of guns and the smell of blood filled the air. I screamed loudly but I couldn’t even hear my own voice over the sounds of the gunshots. It was like I was invisible. No one could see me.

Many tears flew down my cheeks as everyone kept fighting, many falling dead on the battlefield. This was the way of war. I had to accept it but I just couldn’t. Why did everyone have to fight each other? Why was war so cruel?

That was when I saw everyone around me covered in blood. They were all lying on the ground, dead. Everyone was dead and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I just stood there and watched as everyone destroyed one another. I looked down and at my feet sat the bloodied body of my friends and comrades.

Why can’t I save them? I fell to my knees at the gruesome sight of it all. Out of all the scratches and bullet wholes I recognized Mr.Germany. I gently sat his head in my lap and my tears fell on his face. They wiped away some of the blood that was almost dried and crusted over his features.

“Germany!” I screamed through my tears.

I couldn’t even bear the sight of it anymore. I closed my eyes and imagined us all together and happy. All of their smiling faces and hands reached out toward me. Happy that I was there to see them. In fact I was the happiest one of them all.

They never knew how much I enjoyed their companionship. How happy I was to know that I was never alone. How happy I was to know that somebody was always there to fight my battles alongside me. Now all that happiness was gone.

There can be no happiness when there’s no one to share it with. What’s the point in being happy when you are by yourself? There was no point in even trying to be happy when everyone you loved was gone. Everything was gone forever.

I screamed out in agony as the whole earth seemed to die. Now that all the countries were gone what was left? The world was crushed. Leaving me alone in the rubble to remorse over it all. There was no escape from the sad fate left upon me.

Suddenly I saw a bright light shine through my eyelids. I opened them to find a pair of eyes staring down on me. I looked around to find myself in Germany’s bedroom and the bright sunlight shining through the window. I sat myself upright and pinched my arm gently to see if I was still dreaming.

When I felt the small pain and saw the mark it left behind I knew that I was back in the real world. When I looked up I saw Germany. His eyes were filled with concern and I thought I saw a hint of something else in them but I couldn’t tell. I smiled as I was glad he was still alive.

Out of instinct and happiness I wrapped my arms around him and gripped as tightly as I could on his black tank top. I let my tears fall onto his chest and I dared not let go for fear he would leave me again. I was scared to see that dream turned into reality. I didn’t want any of it to be true.

“Italy, are you all right?” he asked me.

“I am now~” I answered as I released my grip on him and smile.

A hint of red appeared on his cheeks as he turned his head away. He nodded and stood up from the bed. I followed his example and stood up too. When I shook all of the bad thoughts out of my head I headed to the kitchen.

I began to prepare some spaghetti that I had bought and when it was done I stuffed myself with the saucy substance. I grinned as the sauce spilled onto my cheeks and it stayed there until I finished my bowl. When I was about to go clean it off Germany came in and scoffed at my messy eating.

“Is it zhat hard to clean up after youself?” he asked, wiping off my cheeks with a napkin.

“Sorry~” I said happily.

He just sighed and threw the paper towel into the trash can. He went to go sit down at the couch and handled some papers in his hand. As I leaned over his shoulder I could tell they were really important and I tried to read them but the cursive writing made it hard to make out the words.

“Germany what are you reading?” I asked when I couldn’t figure any of it out.

“Zhey are just battle plans. I have to find some vay of keeping that England avay from our trade routes.” he explained.

“I see.” I said sadly.

As much as I wanted to be on Germany’s side during this war it was the war itself I didn’t want to be apart of. I hated the sight of the blood and the disasters that always happened during wars. Especially after the dream I had just had I didn’t want any part of it at all. I wanted everyone to just have peace but I guess that’s impossible in the world we live in.

I sat down next to the German and stared at my fingernails. I started to chip off the tops of them and began to bite them off one by one. My nails always got so long and I always hated trimming them so I just bit them off. I set my hands in my lap and fiddled with my fingers until he looked at me.

“Is everything ok?” he asked, as if he was still unsure.

“Yes, sir! I’m fine.” I answered.

Although in my own mind I didn’t believe it. If this war was to continue I didn’t know if I could take it. If any more deaths happened then I might just go insane. I had to make sure that my friends would be alive. I couldn’t let them die! 

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