Chapter 1

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Thayne POV
October 15

"Oh my Go-" We hear Anthony exclaim loudly, anxiety clearly evident in his voice. Everyone stops.

"Are you okay?" I ask, Jon and I heading over to where him and Jasmine are sitting.

"Yeah, I mean no, I mean, I don't know." Anthony answers, helping Jasmine stand up.

"Woah, take a deep breath, Ant." Jasmine says. "My water broke." She says calmly. I don't understand how she's so calm. I mean, now I'm freaking out. Renèe comes up, Pippa not far behind her, both of them eerily calm about this whole situation. Pippa cleans up what's on the floor as Anthony and Renèe help Jasmine up. She stops by Jon and I as they are helping her to the car. "I'm so sorry guys. I really hope I didn't ruin your wedding." Jasmine apologizes, and it's obvious she feels really bad about it.

"You don't have to apologize, and you didn't ruin anything. It's all okay, don't worry about us." Job tells her. I nod.

"You're fine, Jasmine. If anything, you just made today more special and memorable. Good luck!" I tell her as they leave. She looks relieved. Renèe comes back in after a few minutes, but obviously, Anthony and Jasmine are long gone by now. The party continues  until early in the morning, it's about 2:00 AM when the last guest leaves. All that's left are Thayne and I, my parents, and Thayne's dad. The five of us clean up as much as possible before my parents start to shoo us out of the room because it's "our wedding night." Thayne goes to the bathroom before we leave, and his dad pulls me aside.

"First of all, Jonathan, I want to thank you. I can tell how much you and Thayne love each other. You've been so supportive of him through everything, and I thank you for that. I didn't want to tell him today, but his mother and I are getting a divorce." Thayne's dad, Robert, tells me. My mouth drops a little. "I'm not saying you have to tell him, but his mother is planning on telling him soon-she says tomorrow. I'm going to try and stop her, I don't want to ruin this weekend/week for you two. I will tell Thayne, but I know it'll make him sad, and I don't want to take away his happiness right now. If the call does come through, I just want you to be prepared, maybe intercept it or convince him to ignore it. Like I said, I'm really going to try and stop her, but she's a stubborn woman. I don't mean to put a damper on things, but I just want you to be prepared." He says. I nod.

"It's okay. Thank you for telling me. I'll make sure Thayne doesn't find out for a little while. If he asks though, I won't lie to him." I tell his dad. His dad nods.

"Thank you, Jon. Seriously." Robert says. I nod. Thayne returns front the bathroom and we leave.

Anthony POV

We've been here for six hours. A combination of the best and worst six hours of my life. Worst was seeing my wife in pain, but the best because our daughter was born. I walk out to the waiting room, a huge smile on my face. My parents and sister, along with Jasmine's parents sit out there, waiting. They all give me curious and inquisitive looks.

"Brooklyn Cecilia Ramos-Martinez. 7 pounds, 8 oz. Both mother and daughter doing well." I report. Everyone screams or yells in excitement. They hug me. "Moms-both sides-are requested first." I laugh. My mom and Jasmine's mom stand up, and follow me back to where Jasmine is, holding our daughter, who is asleep. Both of our moms talk to Jasmine and fawn over Brooklyn. I stand back, just watching the interaction. Jasmine looks beautiful and she's so loving towards our daughter. Brooklyn is only twenty minutes old, but I already love her so much. Everything seems to move in slow motion as Brooklyn is held by my mom and mother-in-law and then the rest of our family come in the room and Brooklyn is passed around to them as well. After a while, everyone leaves and it's just Jasmine, Brooklyn, and I in the room. I take Brooklyn from Jasmine and put her in the bassinet next to Jasmine's hospital bed. She's fast asleep. I'm just glad that there weren't any complications. Brooklyn is adorable and she's been easy today, knock on wood. I know it'll get harder from here on out, but I'm ready, and so is Jasmine. I kiss Jasmine's forehead. "You're amazing, baby girl. I love you."

"I love you too." She replies. I run my hand gently through her hair as she falls asleep. I sit down in a chair in the hospital room and fall asleep myself.

Ryleigh's POV

My life has changed so much recently, and now I overhear the directors talking about something that will flip my life upside down. What if Drew and I get separated? He's only two, he needs me. I need him. He's my brother. I would die if something happened to him. I run away from the doorway I was eavesdropping from, wishing I had never listened. I wish I could turn this back, stop it somehow. I can't deal with this right now. I run upstairs to my section of the room. I sit down on my bed, and just think. I need a minute to think this through, process this information. I mean, I'm sure any kid in my situation would be so happy, but I find myself kind of angry. I don't even know the people who are turning my life over like a turtle on its shell. I don't want to be mad, but I don't want to go through any more hurt and change. I hear Drew start crying and run to the playpen her is in, picking him up and comforting him. He cries into my shoulder.

"Oh Drew." I sigh. "If you only knew what we've been sucked into."

1029 words-excluding A/N

read the disclaimer (description) if you have any questions about what I've changed. this chapter may have been low key confusing, but I promise it'll all make sense soon!! Thanks for returning if you read Forever Mine. And welcome if you're new. This is a sequel, so it follows the same characters and may reference things from the first book. Updates may be slow until I get out of school, but I'll try to get one up weekly. Thanks for reading!!!


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