Chapter 2

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Anthony POV

March 16th

Jasmine has been texting the cast all day, when she's not holding Brooklyn. Pippa and Lin are stopping by soon, before the show starts, to meet Brooklyn. We are going home tomorrow, and then I have two weeks off the show to help Jasmine. Brooklyn has been amazing. The whole cast is slowly going to be trickling in and out all day. Watching Jasmine interact with our daughter makes me realize how much I truly love her. I don't know how to describe how it feels to be a father, it just feels amazing. It's so surreal. When I hold Brooklyn, it feels like I'm seeing something in my future, but it's really happening. I'm holding her right now, and she's awake, but not crying. I place a gentle kiss on her forehead, and then hand her back to Jasmine. There's a gentle knock on the door. I open it and Lin and Pippa are there along with Renèe. Jas waves to them and then motions them in. All three of them hug and congratulate me before heading over to Jasmine and Brooklyn. I close the door and join everyone else. Jasmine is sitting up and holding Brooklyn. After a while, Lin sits next to me.

"How's it feel?" He asks me casually. "You've got two people to protect now." He says. "I know I'm not a 'traditional' father," he says, using air quotes, "but I have Lillian, who is legally my daughter. She's been in my life for over a year now, and I think I have a decent hold on this whole 'parenthood' thing. If you have any questions, I'm here." He tells me. I nod.

"Thanks, Lin." I smile.

"Although, the youngest I've parented is five, so Renèe may have better answer for the first five years." Lin laughs. Then we both hear our names come up in the conversation happening between the girls. We both turn our heads, and the girls laugh. Lin and I walk over and join the conversation, laughing. Jasmine holds Brooklyn gently and talks with us. God, I love her so much.

~Thayne POV~
-1 week later-
I get some sort of vibe of apprehension from Jon. He seems to be stepping on eggshells around me, but he's trying to cover it up. I can see right through him. Every time our phone rings, he is quick to say that he'll get it. The fourth time it happens I stop him.

"Jon, are you expecting a call?" I ask. "You've been jumping at the phone for the last week. You seem apprehensive. What's going on?" I ask.

"I-I...Thayne, I love you." He stammers, and then sighs. I give him a look. "Look, Thayne. I really didn't want to have to tell you this, especially so soon after our wedding/honeymoon. I don't want to ruin anything for you."

"Jon, just spit it out." I say, slightly angry he's been keeping something from me. What could he be hiding that would ruin anything?

"Thayne, I-I told your dad I wouldn't say anything. I don't want to jeopardize your happiness." Jon says. He looks upset.

"Jonathan!" I say exasperated. "My dad was in on whatever the h*ll is going on!? What are you keeping from me? We just made a serious commitment and not even 1 week in, you're hiding something!" I burst out. Jon looks hurt and upset. He looks down towards the floor avoiding my gaze. The phone rings again. Before he can do anything I jump up and grab it. Now Jonathan looks scared. I bring the phone up to my ear.

"Thayne, hang up. For your own sake." He tells me. I shake my head. I want to-need to-know what he's hiding.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Hello, Thayne." My mom replies. I try to hide the shock on my face. Jon gives me a nervous look. "I'm not going to beat around the bush. Your father and I are getting a divorce." My mouth drops. I drop the phone from my ear and hang up.

"I was trying to stop you from finding out." Jon sighs. "Your dad told me after the wedding." He tells me.

"I-I'm sorry for getting angry, Jon. You were just trying to protect me from my mother." I sigh, sliding down the wall, my head in my hands. Jon sits down next to me, putting his arm around me.

"I'm sorry, Thayne." He says. "I should've just told you, and not let you find out this way." He tells me.

"No, you were trying to protect me." I say. "Thanks for trying, Jon. I love you."

"I love you too, Thayne." He says, and then we kiss. "I'm sorry your mom is being like this. I really am sorry about your parents divorce." Jonathan apologizes. It hits me. My parents are getting divorced. It has to be my fault, I mean, my dad supports me, and my mom doesn't. That's probably why they're splitting up.

"It's my fault, Jon. I'm the reason they're getting a divorce." I say quietly.

"No you're not, Thayne. It may feel like that, but you're not the reason." Jonathan tells me.


"No, Thayne. You're not the reason." He says, a little forceful. "Stop thinking like that. Just calm down. Think about what we're doing tomorrow." He tells me. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder and we sit there together.

~Ryleigh POV~

It's really happening. But Drew and I are not going to be separated, so I guess that's good. He doesn't understand what is happening to us. We haven't even met the people who are making this happen yet. The directors have told me to pack our things. Drew and I don't have a lot of things, so it doesn't take long and it all fits in one suitcase. I don't trust anyone except my two year old brother. How am I supposed to trust two strangers if I can't even trust the directors who I've been with for almost a year. Tomorrow we meet them. Tomorrow my life flips upside down.

1029 words-excluding A/N


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