The hell is Chicken?

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    Bakugou eventually made his way into the lake, the cold water lapping at his hips and soaking his pants. His arms floated above the water, a place in the back of his mind telling him that it would be best if he didn't completely submerge himself in water. Of course, it would be inevitable to not get wet now that he stood in the water. Gritting his teeth he took a few more steps forward, doing his best to ignore just how freezing the water was. How had those other idiots survived this long?

    He let out a deep breath, trying his best to relax. He almost succeeded in relaxing too, if it weren't for the wave of water that Kaminari sent his way. In a way, Bakugou had expected it, Kaminari being the idiot he was. Bakugou glared at the yellow haired boy before pushing as much water that he could back at him, his hands clenched into fists.

    "Mother fucker," Bakugou growled beneath his breath as he pushed his now soaking hair out of his face. He knew the others were laughing, the sound was loud as it spanned across the water.

    "Let's play a game, guys," Mina whined, earning a roll of Bakugou's eyes. All four of them were like five years olds. They couldn't just swim, they need to play games. What the hell types of games do you play in the water? Let's see who can drown the fastest? Bakugou could get behind helping one of them with that.

   The others gave a quick agreement and went over a plethora of games Bakugou had not the slightest idea of.

    For example, what the hell was Chicken? Well, he guessed he'd have to find out because according to Kirishima, "If he just sat there, he would turn into a fish or something." Bakugou couldn't help but make a face at Kirishima, the comment so stupid that he couldn't hold back his judgement. He told them that there was no way he was playing what ever stupid game they had in mind but eventually Bakugou succumbed to their annoying begging and agreed to if they would "Shut their traps."

    They beamed at him and flew into explaining the game to him. From what he gathered, he'd sit on someone's shoulders and try to knock down the other team. Sounded simple enough to him.'ll

    Mina elected to be the judge and Sero was quick to pick Kaminari to be on his team, leaving, much to Bakugou's displeasure, Kirishima. Despite Bakugou's unhappiness about the grouping, Kirishima was ecstatic. He went on and on about how they were sure to win and how they would make a great team, Bakugou had to reach out and place a hand over his mouth to get him to be quiet.

     "Calm down, shitty hair," Bakugou ordered, dropping his hand.

    Kirishima rubbed the bad of his neck and gave an apologetic smile, "Sorry bout' that, I just got carried away." 

    Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Let's get this over." He gestured for Kirishima to turn around which the boy obliged to, sliding beneath the water briefly so Bakugou could easily climb on his shoulders. He did so quickly, his hands resting on the side of Kirishima's head. As Kirishima lifted Bakugou, he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the boy for the fear of falling backwards into the water. Beneath him he heard Kirishima laugh, his hands coming up to rest on Bakugou's thighs in order to hold him steady.

    "You good, bro?"

    "Just fine," Bakugou hissed, urging him to move forward. Across from the two teens were Sero and Kaminari, both of them seeming to be handling themselves better than him and Kirishima were.

    Slowly, but surely, they made their way toward each other. Kirishima beamed like a lighthouse, the smile on his face bigger than Bakugou had ever seen it. In a way it was oddly comforting, making Bakugou believe he wasn't in danger of plummeting into the cold water. The teen wobbled a little and immediately his hands flew for the nearest thing, his fingers coiling around Kirishima's wrist.

    "Watch yourself, idiot," Bakugou growled through clenched teeth, the muscles in his jaw taunt.

    Before Kirishima could reply he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him snap his head up only to come face to face with Kaminari. Acting quickly, Bakugou reached and grasped Kaminari's forearm, yanking him forward in hopes to pull them off balance. In return, the teen used Bakugou as support, placing a hand square in the middle of his chest. Kaminari waisted no time in shoving Bakugou backwards, sending him crashing into the water.

~~Time Skip~~

    Bakugou walked along the trail, his body shivering with each breeze that passed them. He longed to throw his shirt on but he knew it would soon be soaked through and he'd be back to shivering in no time, so instead he had draped it across his shoulder. The others were shivering too but they focused on joking with each other, the cold a distant thing in the back of their minds. 

    An annoyed growl rumbled in the back of Bakugou's throat as he ran a hand through his hair. He tipped his face toward the sky and closed his eyes hoping to draw in the warmth from the sun. After a second or so, he opened his eyes and looked over to the group. They all talked amongst themselves with the exception of Kirishima who was instead looking at Bakugou.

     "What, shitty hair," Bakugou questioned, eyes narrowing.

    Kirishima looked away quickly, averting his attention to the dirt path in front of him, "Nothin', just wondering if you're cold."

    Bakugou raised an eyebrow, "Why would you care?"

    "Cause you're a friend," Kirishima said, turning his startling gaze on Bakugou. He didn't know how to reply to the teens claim. Should he say something even if he never intended to build any type of friendship with him? He didn't know. Instead, he only stared, not taking his eyes away from Kirishima. They seemed like bottomless pools of red at that moment, the sunlight reflecting off of them like there were gems just beneath the surface.

    Bakugou realized just how captivated these eyes seemed to get him, yet he couldn't seem understand why. The urge to move forward and cup the boy face in his hands settled somewhere deep in Bakugou's chest, leaving Bakugou a little breathless. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly snapped it shut, the sound of footsteps approaching the group with haste.

    They stopped, eyes darting around in search of whoever was coming at them. By the look on Mina's face, it was a possibility that whoever it may be would not be welcome company. The look quickly dissipated when two familiar faces came into view though, a sigh of relief breaking past each of their lips.

    Midoriya was running down the path with Todoroki close behind him, both of the boys having a worrying expression on their faces. As they caught sight of the group, they sped up the pace bolting towards them like they had the Devil on their ass. 

    Once they got close enough they came to a stop, both of them slightly winded.

    "What the hell are you two running for," Bakugou questioned, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at them. In response Midoriya looked up to him, his eyes speaking more than his words.

    "The King, he's found us."

So, uh, yeah. Bet you thought this was gonna be another one of those "Purely cuteness" chapters. Sike. Twas but a logical ruse.

Anyways, I am not particularly proud of this chapter but I figured it was good enough to the extent that you guys wouldn't find my house and pelt me with rocks or something.

So, good night/day. I'm going to sleep for once. Toodaloo.

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