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GeniusMin. Thank you for believing and comforting me even before the statement. You'll always be my girl ❤

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Bangchinislife. OMG comeback!!!

KimJung. Wait when was this?

Gucci_V. Credits ehem credits hyung

HandsomeJ. @KimJung this was a day before the official statement was released. She went to the company and talked to us.

MaknaeJi. Of course I'll believe you ❤ we all believed you from the very start we were just scared and tired from all the drama. We just wanted the truth from all of you.

Bangtwice. So are you a thing again?

GeniusMin. @Bangtwice depends if @MaknaeJi still would accept me.

MaknaeJi. @GeniusMin of course I'll accept you again!

GeniusMin. I love you Goblin❤

MaknaeJi. I love you too Cat❤

Leader_Nim. Eww PDA

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