The eleventh of July

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It was the night of the eleventh of July. The sun had set long ago and the rain was pouring. Two teens one with hair a rustic gold and the other with hair like strands of gold with tips a bright neon pink sat in the redhead's Ferrari Xoana.

Their names were Scarlett Blossom

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Their names were Scarlett Blossom

Their names were Scarlett Blossom

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and Winter Rose Jones

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and Winter Rose Jones.

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The Ying and Yang and the proof opposites do attract

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The Ying and Yang and the proof opposites do attract. Scarlett was the perfect princess of Riverdale. She was rich and one of three possible heirs to the Blossom fortune not to mention she was daddy's princess. The youngest of three siblings. She had the perfect family. Straight A'S and never been in trouble. She was a Vixen. She was rumored to be the prettiest girl in all of Riverdale with perfect ginger hair, big puppy dog chocolate brown eyes, and a short but athletic body. The Redhead was caring, nurturing, helpful, funny, smart, bright. cheerful, energetic, fun-loving, proud, witty, thoughtful, friendly, ambitious, daring, creative, loveable, thrilling, daring, exciting and curious. But the brown-eyed beauty could be a bit impulsive, controlling, bossy, manipulative, spoiled, vain, and arrogant maybe even a little bit intimidating at times. The blossom was not only her daddy's princess but Riverdale highs. She was a party girl and partied every weekend. Scarlett was envied by girls and lusted after by the rest. She was dating one of the football team members that was a guaranteed captain there junior year after her older brother and his best friend graduated. He was the prince of the school he went by Reggie Mantle. Scarlett and Reggie won the crowns at every dance. Every couple wanted to be them and everyone shipped them. On the other hand, Winter-Rose Jones was the troubled loner teen with a bad home life. Her father was a drunk and her mother and sister abandoned her and her twin brother. Jughead tried to help her but she was too stubborn to accept it. Rose was beautiful with blonde hair and always had her tips dyed a different color, hazel eyes, and an average height and built. Rose could be sarcastic, stubborn, impulsive and quick-tempered but for the most part, she was closed off, funny, quiet, reserved, passionate, selfless and smart. Rose was more of a shadow around school gliding amongst her day unnoticed. She didn't party most of the time she read or did photography. The two were completely different without anything in common or so it seemed. They were each other's lifeboats. Rose would die without Scarlett and vice versa. They told each other everything and have been inseparable since Scarlett adopted Rose as her best friend and Rose agreed in pre-school. The two girls believed they were soul mates in best friend form since Gladys Jones and Penelope Blossom gave birth to the girls and Winter's twin brother at the exact same moment in Riverdale general.

Scarlett's phone was hooked up to the aux cord so the speaker softly played the girls favorite songs. "Your outfit is actually really cute today," The blossom complements her friend. "Thank you asshole you kinda look like your mom as a teenager in that outfit," The jones accepts with a laugh. "Ouch, that hurts So why did you call me at 11:00 at night saying pick me up," The brown-eyed girl asked? "Dad," The hazel eyed girl mumbles. "You can stay the night with me don't sweat it Winnie the Pooh also I am thankful anyways between my mom and Cheryl wailing there is no peace in my house," She thanks. "Thanks, Scar Scar anyways any news on J," Winter-Rose asked? "None other than what Cheryl said who would have thought a stupid fucking glove would have killed my brother," Scarlett says with the shake of her head trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. Winter reached out placing a comforting hand on her best friends hand. "Knowing J he made it to the other side farther down the river and some nice family took him in and is nursing him back to help and when he has recovered he is going to come home," The Blonde comforts. "I know this sounds weird and completely crazy but it almost feels like he isn't dead like I have this weird feeling he isn't dead but he is in trouble if that makes sense," Scarlett admits. "They will find him," Winter promises. At that moment there was a loud bang that rang out. "What was that," Rose asked? Winter-Rose had heard that sound quite often living on the Southside of Riverdale so she was almost quite certain that it was a gunshot. "It is probably some idiot letting off remaining fireworks," The girl in the driver seat answers. "Um yeah, your probably right um hey I am little hungry want to go by pops," The girl opposite of her asks a bit of fear coming out. "Yeah sure my treat," She answers lifting her seat up and buckling up. Winter did the same as they pulled out of the woods and sped off towards the small diner. Scarlett felt sick and she felt a stab in her heart. That bang didn't just give fear to Winter-Rose it also took that feeling of the redheads older brother still being alive. That firework or whatever it was was the end of the life as the two girls knew it but it was the start of a something new something much scarier something much darker. Scarlett and Winter-Rose were about to discover the dark truth of the town with pep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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