her past

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Dove sat patiently waiting as she stared straight at ticking hands. She was almost a statue and her marble colors didn't help with that. Just like that she blinked reminding heaven she was still alive. Her eyes never left the clock as she perked her ears up and stood up. She quickly smiled as she heard it come closer. She jumped as she reached for the knob of the dark wooden door. To open it up to find a man she didn't recognize. For a girl with sharp hearing she didn't hear the 5 behind her or the 1 in front. She already knew what was going down. She also knew no more storytelling in a now forevermore vacant leather chair. She could now only wish and pray it could stop here.  Sadly the universe does not run off our wishes. She sat up and ran down the stairs ignoring her brothers words as she came to the kitchen. She stopped again as a new found horror came rushing over her. It killed her even more to think she was okay. For now a fallen moon layed still on the tile floor in a crimson sky. This time she had no stars to follow. She awoke the bad memory to regain herself. Thats when it all went silent down stairs untill a single cry cut the air. She ran down as fast as she could but not fast enough. Everyone here to mourn her parents or talk about the children laid on the ground in a bloody mess. She didn't have time to recover as she felt pain cut across her eye vertically. When she did she found all her brothers but one. And he was not one of the departed that layed dead with his blades. She lost count of how long it was till she heard a nother desperate cry. She found him on the floor crying in front of the house phone in the den. She hid behind the wall as she overheard every little thing her brother said. Now she stood at the window waiting in a house void of any emotions. She finnaly lost her last brother and officially inherited everything of her family. Well almost for the other massacre surrvivers were now arriving to become new host to fill the house. She really thought or hopeful for a new start. Let's just say hope can only take you so far and for her no further. As she stood up for once one night from her desk her ears started working again. A party on one floor and a drunk man in another while a woman was on the phone with a doctor. She was never involved for she had work to do and if she did she would be insulated or ignored. At school it faired no different as she was brought down with a nasty scar that layed across her eye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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