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This is a story about an introvert girl who has a passion for origami and a blind boy who is just trying to get by with life despite his disability.





cover: me


"What's this?" He said as she placed the intricate paper ball of roses in his hand.

She notice it didn't tighten and was left palm open as he held it up towards his face like he could see it even though she knew he couldn't.

"It's for you, I don't have a name for it though" she replied. " I hope you like it."

A frown made its way onto his face as he still held the delicate piece of paper.

"I wouldn't know, I can't see it." A bit of anger in his tone.

"Of course you can't see it but you can feel it."

She got a hold of his free hand and gently trace his finger tips around each slope and curve of one of the roses she had created and folded together.
His face contorted even more into a frown, but she could see that he was trying to focus, trying to visualize the ball and the rose.

"See" she said proudly as she let go of his hand.

"You don't need your eyes to appreciate beauty."

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