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"na y/n, i like you

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"na y/n, i like you. i've liked you ever since i first laid my eyes on you. you were breath taking and so unbelievably giggly and cute that i couldn't help but fall for you. i know you may not like me back and that's okay, but i wanted the chance to confess becuase i'll be leaving soon. so the question is, do you like me back?" felix said all in one breath.

i froze.

it was my first ever confession that i had received.

a few seconds of arose followed by my awkward cough before i gave my response.

"felix, i'm flattered. i've never received a confession before. i like you too, as a friend. i am so sorry but i think our friendship is more important than an actual relationship. i hope this doesn't change us but i just want you to know i will always be here if you need me." i replied.

i could see his smile had slightly dropped as a wave of guilt washed over me.

"i undersatnd. i would never force you to love me, i just wanted to let my feelings out. plus i think there is someone out there who is perfect for you. someone who will always stick by your side and already has." he replied smiling.

"who?" i said curiously, cocking my head to the side.

"that is for me to know and you to find out. friends?" he said sticking his hand out.

"best friends." i replied pulling him into a hug, savouring our last moments together.

"i'll miss you." i said my words muffled by his chest.

"not as much as i will." he whispered in return kissing me on the top of my head.

goodbye lee felix.

beomgyu pov

"all this homework is frying my brain." i said to myself.

i wore my jacket and headed out to the convenience store eager to satisfy my craving needs in the time of darkness.

my mind lead me to the packet of cocoa cola bottles. they were y/n's favourite. i smiled to myself thinking about her.

i grabbed 2 packets, one for me and the other to give to her tomorrow.

i payed for the snacks and was heading out until i saw something i wished wasn't true.

my heart sank as i saw the sight of felix and y/n hugging.

my heart hurt even more as felix placed a kiss on her forehead whilst i could see y/n's cheek turn a light shade of pink.

i ran out of the store.

i didn't stop running until i reached home.

i swallowed back the lump in my throat. tears started to well up in my eyes.

are they dating? maybe it's just a friendly hug? but felix is really nice to her maybe he likes her? maybe she accepted his confession?

thoughts filled up in my head as i didn't know what to believe.

my sadness turned to anger.


i tried not to think about her for the rest of the night.

i tossed and turned but all I could think about was y/n.

what happens now?

a/n: happy Ramadan to those who celebrate it 💘

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