The unexpected

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     At 3:42 am Sheridan woke up to loud and persistent knocking. She assumed it had been Carlisle and he had forgotten the code to the door but she was unpleasantly surprised to see Sebastian standing in her door way and a running car parked right out front.

     "I am here to accompany you to the police station. There was a small incident and your American friend and father have been arrested." Sheridan was barley awake when she answered the door, but after hearing that she was wide awake. She paid no mind to her clothing as she ripped a jacket off the hanger and slipped and pair of house slippers on.

     "What do you mean arrested, by who!?"

     "City police, one of your fathers friends got into an altercation, Mr. Hall and your little friend stepped in to mediate but it was the wrong time and police arrived in the scene." The way he addressed Carlisle was getting on her nerves but she had more important things to worry about. "Everyone was released already, but they are not aloud to leave until signed out and Mr. Hall was clear to not call Mrs. Hall but you." Well at least her father was some what smart, her mother would have left them to sit all night.

     They arrived shortly after Sebastian had told her they had already been released but that didn't make a difference to her. Her fathers friend had gotten Carlisle arrested. There would be some words exchanged. It was almost comical watching Sheridan stomp into the police station. She wore one of Carlisle's plain T-shirt's and pj shorts with cats on them. Her slippers were slightly wet from the snow but she couldn't tell as she was much to distracted. Her large black fur coat hung on her shoulders clashing with her pjs. You could tell she didn't have her glasses or contacts in because she was squinting heavily trying to find the right booth to go to.

     Anton caught sight of Sheridan through the holding rooms window and nudged Carlisle. They both looked at her and chuckled lightly. Carlisle could hear her talking quickly to one of the officers at the booth, even though he didn't understand what they were saying he could tell it wasn't what Sheridan wanted to hear. Sheridan's head turned towards the way the officer was now pointing and she caught sight of her father.

     "You know Carlisle, I am beginning to think we should have called Vera and waited till morning." Anton had assured Carlisle that calling Sheridan was the smartest move but clearly he was second guessing it now. Sheridan yanked the door open and stood in the door way.

"папа, как ты мог позволить этому случиться!" Carlisle was shocked at the anger that seeped through her words, maybe they should have stayed the night.

"детка, это не моя вина, Петр вышел из-под контроля, мы только пытались помочь." Whatever Anton had said to Sheridan had calmed her down the slightest but she was clearly still angry.

"невероятно". She approached Carlisle quickly and placed her hands on his shoulders, she bent down slightly and pulled him into a tight hug. When he didn't react to the hug she pulled away and finally took notice to the shiny silver hand cuffs he still wore.

"удали их, сейчас." The officer at the door was quick to unlock the cuffs and both men stood in front of her.

"Carlisle I'm so sorry, are you okay?" She paid no mind to her father that stood only a foot or so away from the couple.

"I'm okay, nothing happened, we just intervened at the wrong time. It was a complete misunderstanding." He pulled her into a tight hug hoping to calm her nerves. He would never tell Sheridan this but it had been in a way fun to get arrested with her father. The two men never took it seriously as Anton assured Carlisle nothing would happen to them. It was sort of a bonding experience, one that he hoped wouldn't happen again.

Anton observes his daughter and her boyfriend from the side. Carlisle was worried about how she was dressed and why she bothered coming if she had been asleep. He could hear him ask if Sebastian had been polite to her as their last encounter was rather rude. Carlisle was sweet to his daughter and there was no doubt about it.

"Well it's just after half past four, I believe it's time to go home. Let me sign you guys out." The two followed Sheridan out obediently and stood behind her while she signed their release papers. Anton caught site of several cameras flashing and groaned heavily. Sheridan had already walked through the paparazzi to get in and she was not excited to do it again.

"Okay Sebastian texted me saying he is going to be pulling the car around in a minute." Sheridan once again looked over Carlisle who was now standing a few feet away. His tie and belt were in his hand, the police had taken them for safety purposes. His suit jacket was unbuttoned and top two buttons on his shirt undone. His hair was a little messy and he had a bored look.

How much more attractive can this man get.

"Sheridan he's here." Carlisle tugged Sheridan close and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The lights flashed immediately as the doors were opened and words Carlisle didn't understand were being shout at him. Anton smiled and waved and Carlisle smiled down at Sheridan who was giving a side ways glare to her father. Carlisle smirked and looked back up at the cameras. Two black SUV's were parked as close to the doors as possible and two military guards came to open the back doors once they caught site of the three.

Anton placed a hand on Carlisle shoulder before he got on the car. He offered a handshake and quickly pulled Carlisle in for a quick hug.

"You have my approval for whatever you plan with my little girl. You are a good man Carlisle, I can't say I'd get arrested with you again but I'd be more that happy to have you around." Anton patted Carlisle's back and let him go leaving to his own car.

"Now let's get you back to bed." Carlisle had felt bad that Sheridan had to get out of bed and come all the way here for something so silly, but he knew she would have been much more angry at her father had she found out tomorrow morning when he wasn't in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Daddy how could you let this happen"
"Baby it wasn't my fault, pyotr got out of hand, we were only trying to help"

"Remove them, now"

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