Chapter 2 Leo

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As Angie ran over to Leo she yelled, "Tia, help me pick her up! We need to take her to the doctors right away!"

"No, Angie. I think she was telling us not to take her to the doctors for a specific reason."

"But....but she's going to die! Now help me pick her up... NOW!" Angie screamed at Tia.

"Wait, Angie." Tia felt things click into place. It all made sense now. "When I first met her, she mentioned something about being a Man and from District 2. Do you-" she stuttered, "do you think that it's possible?"

For a moment Tia could see the fear in Angie's eyes, but only for a moment.

"If that's true, then what is she- ahem-" Angie coughed, "what is he doing here in Section 4?"

"Uh... well. I don't know the answer to that- sorry. But can we just heal him here for now? Please?" pleaded Tia. Angie rolled her eyes and finally gave in.

"Okay, let's make this quick. Help me bring him to the spare room.

The spare room in their house hadn't been used for years. It was all molded and dusty with peeling turquoise wallpaper. Tia and Angie dragged Leo to the room. When they arrived at the room Tia and Angie lifted Leo up and put him on the bed, with a sigh of relief they both collapsed.

"Who thought we could actually carry him all the way here with no stops, looks like we've become stronger," Angie said as she was holding out her arm and flexing her muscles.

"Hey, Angie? Do you think we will get in trouble for having him in our house? You know, if he does end up being a boy?" Tia said as she was twiddling her thumbs in anticipation.

"Well you never know for sure, but I don't think that will end up happening. If it makes you feel any better I don't think we'd get in much trouble if the government finds out. They'll just take him back to district 2."

"I mean I guess you're right." Tia said "but I can't help but worry"

Leo groaned. Instantly both of the girls shot up to there feet to her if he were awake. He wasn't.

"False alarm. But at least he's getting better since his cuts aren't bleeding anymore, but it does look like he broke a couple of ribs." Angie gave a little laugh "to think that we are so on edge with him being hurt and all." she laughed again this time it was mixed with a little worry.

The room became silent. The air was heavy with fear. Soon both Tia and Angie feel asleep, Angie with a slight snore and Tia without.

Leo groaned again but this time he woke up. Leo looked around the room, what he saw surprised him. Leo saw Angie and Tia just lying on the floor sleeping. He smiled and said

"Jeez, what's with them." He must've been louder than he thought because Tia started to make some noise and get up off the floor.

"Oh, your up already Leo!" Sorry for not treating your wounds right away, they must hurt a lot."

"Oh no that's perfectly fine! Don't worry about it." Leo said with a big smile on his face "thanks for not bringing a doctor in here though."

"About that " Angie said as she scared the living light out of both Leo and Tia. "Why did you ask us not to bring you to a doctor?"

"Well, you see doctors have a connection to the government and I'm not really supposed to be here so if I get caught then my free life is practically over."

"Why did you come here than if it was such high stakes for you?"

"The government killed my friend." Leo said with tears trying to back out of his eyes "He was 18 so, like here, he went to join adulthood but didn't make it in, and well... they killed him. His name was Luke and when the government came to deliver the news of Lukes death they said it was because a car hit him. I knew they were lying because Luke was very cautious and never even went close to the road."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Just then when all seemed right and nice the door made a sound.

"Shhh!!!" said Angie

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Open up! Now! Or we will barge in there!"

Just then people in white and black masks barged in and searched the house until they found

"Found him!" Yelled one of the masked people that were inside their room.

Tia jumped to her feet and started to protest against them being inside her and her sister's house, but the got a nasty knock to the head with an iron bar the masked guy was holding. Blood started to drip from the top of her head.

"Hey!!! What do you think you are doing to my sister!" Angie yelled

In a flash, she got hit with the same bar in the same place Tia did.

"Why are you doing this!" Leo yelled as he was staring at two unconscious girls on the floor of the room.

"Because you know the truth. Plus you did this to them yourself you knew the consequences for the people that harbor you, and yet you still let them." said the guy who knocked down Tia and Angie as about ten other masked guys started to fill the room.

"But did you really need to bring this many people."

"You know we did. Now come with us peacefully." the masked guy said

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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