Fuck no! Part two

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"It's like we are being cooked in an oven." Harold said.

'It might help if you weren't dressed like a giant potato.' I thought, only for LeShawna to voice my thoughts.

 "It would help if you weren't dressed like a potato." LeShawna said

 "Aluminum foil means that aliens can't get your brains. It's a real problem in this area." Harold said.

'Okay, that is a total lie, and I should know. I've been here before and the only problem her are the mummies... I wonder how Alya is doing?' I thought, remembering my mummy friend.


I was snapped out of it by Chris talking

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I was snapped out of it by Chris talking.

'Wait, when did homeschool get here? Didn't I throw him out of the plane? Well, good thing I heard what Chris was saying. So either climb the pyramid or go through it. Either one would be easy for me. I could just jump right over it or I could go inside and be out before anyone else can even get in. I think I'll just jump over it. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.' 

"I'm here to win" Zeke said.

 "Eh, it's your funeral. SET!" BANG! Chris said he banged a symbol.

Everyone took off running to the pyramid. While I just walked up to the pyramid, I could year the other's talking.

 "Is it too late to go under the pyramid?" Tyler asked

 "Alejandro is doing great! I wonder what Eclipsa is going to do?" Lindsay said.

 "He reminds me of a mountain goat." I said meaning to insult Alejandro.

 "And even more than that, but the cutest mountain goat in the world! Accent falls under that superlative." Alejandro said, winking at Eclipsa. "Do you need any help, Eclipsa? I could carry you up to the top."

 "No thank you. I have my own way of getting over this." I said.

 "Very well, I'm jumping to get the girls. See you on the other side. Alejandro said, a little disappointed that he wouldn't get to hold her.

" Ok, just leave Lindsay, I'll take her up with me. " 

 "Si." Alejandro said before jumping to get Bridgett and LeShawna.

 "Hey Lindsay!" I yelled

 " Hey Eclipsa. " Lindsay said.

 "Do you want to see the best view in Egypt?"

 " I'm already looking at it. " Lindsay whispered.

 "What was that?"

 " Nothing! " 

 "Ok." I said as I picked her up bridal style. "Ready?"

 " Yes. " 'oh my God! She's carrying me like we're married!'

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