Chapter 2

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Finally boarding the plane she looked for her seat. Flying business wasn't something she would ever give up, even if it meant spending the little money she had left to use. Being cramped up in the tight little seat in economy was something she'd never had to do when her father was still alive. They had flown around in their private jet, which was far more practical and wasted less time with boarding 200 other passengers.

She scowled, seeing the familiar wavy hair on the seat next to hers on the other side of the aisle. Of course he had to be on this flight too. The bad luck just hadn't stopped since her accident. The best thing to do was take her seat and act like she hadn't seen him. It would give her time to think about how she would react if he did decide to talk to her.

Taking her seat and relaxing for the first time her journey had started made her very aware of how stressed and sore she actually was. She knew leaving the hospital early would have this effect on her body, but she couldn't risk Joe, Daddy's friend coming up to New York to find her. Her body would heal eventually. When she had found out about Joe knowing of her whereabouts all she could do was flee, as far away as she could possibly get. And that was exactly what she was doing on the plane to Seattle, the farthest City from Baton Rouge and New York that she could find.

Taking a peek over at Logan she realized that he'd been staring at her, probably since she'd taken her seat. What should she do? Should she risk talking to him?

It wouldn't matter if she made a fool of herself anyways. She would never see him again after this flight. On the other hand she could try to be sexy and just smile at him, push her chest out a little and bat her eyes at him.

That is exactly what she decided to do.

She turned her body, facing him completely and gave him one of her slow sexy smiles that always brought men to their knees and made them do whatever she wanted of them. Judging by his reaction she could tell that it was working. She'd use him to her benefit, to serve his purpose and then she'd never talk to him again.


While scrolling through his phone he noticed that the last business seat next to him being occupied. Wondering about his new neighbor he looked over. What he wasn't expecting was the hottie from the restaurant to be arranging her things on the seat next to him. He was pretty sure she wouldn't mind him looking.

He must have been staring because the next thing he realized was the sex appeal oozing smile she sent him. That, he was definitely not expecting. She had been so cold at the restaurant, so insecure. What had changed in the past twenty minutes? Well it didn't matter because he was going to use her new attitude to his advantage. This time he wasn't going to screw it up. He was going to have her.

She took his drink out of his hand, gulped it down and handed the empty glass back to him. That was a surprise. Not many women enjoy the smokey taste of a talisker whiskey. Calling the flight attendant over Logan asked for two more, getting the girl's hint.

Throughout the entire flight they sent each other an array of meaningful and hungry looks, the tension between them obvious to the other passengers.

"So, what brings you to Seattle?" she purred. Wondering more about what a guy dressed like him was doing in New York. To put it simple, he didn't fit in. Not one bit, but she wasn't about to tell him that.

He answered her after trying to figure out how much of his personal information he was willing to give her "Finally going home. I had some business to attend downtown. I live a bit east of Seattle." Studying her carefully he decided to add: "What about you sweetheart?"

She didn't look like she belonged anywhere up there close to where he lived with her high heels and leather pants. Her tight shirt clung to her curves putting on a fantastic show for all the men around her. Her hair framing her face made her eyes stand out. Her expertly applied makeup helped her accentuate all the good features in her face. And from what he could tell she had a designer handbag on her lap that cost about the same amount Montana girls' cars cost. She must be some little rich girl, but for some reason she had a powerful vibe to her.

"I'm visiting my family." she answered, which was somewhat the truth, since she was planning on going to Spokane Valley. She'd heard rumors that her mother had been from around there. To her it seemed like a good start to her new life.

They went back to not talking after that, both of them trying to keep their personal life from the one another. Although they didn't talk anymore they studied each other out of the corner of their eyes, both intrigued with one another, not quite being able to keep their eyes to themselves.

Was she really going to go through with the plan she'd formed in her head? Yes, she decided. It is worth it. She was in dire need of some affection. She was a grown woman with no responsibilities and all the freedom in the world, so she would do what her heart desired. And after that she would go on with her life, like nothing had happened.

When the flight ended they packed up their things and left the plane following the seeming endless amount of people towards the exit, Amelia always a few feet behind Logan. Before he could leave the building she caught up to him and grabbed his arm to catch his attention. Confused he turned around and saw her standing next to him.

"Yes?" he demanded.

Smiling seductively she asked him: "Did you come here with your car?"


That was not the question Logan had been expecting. Surprised and unsure what to answer, he just studied the woman in front of him. He hadn't driven to the airport with his car, but why did she need to know that. He had a friend drop of a car for him to use to get to a hotel for the night. His brother Tyler would be picking him up the following day with his Cessna. It was easier to fly to Bigfork than take the car, which would take him several hours. Was she looking for a ride? He wasn't really in the mood to play her chauffeur. He'd had a long day of work and if the only reason she'd smiled and flirted the entire flight here was to get a ride he wasn't going to have it. He was sexually frustrated already, having her in his car wasn't going to make it better.

"Yeah, but what difference would it make for you?" he asked not being able to resist knowing what she needed his car for.

But he didn't get an answer from her, just another one of her god-awful smiles that frustrated him even more and a hand in his.

"Lead the way" she demanded huskily.

And who was he to refuse this beautiful woman with her hand in his. So he did what she wanted and lead her to the car, a large Range Rover he'd love to have for himself for winter. In summer he preferred his vintage Harley. Still confused about what Amelia wanted of him he stopped in front of his car only to have her open the trunk, throw both of their suitcases in with more strength than he expected a lady in heels to have, and shove him against the car. Okay, now he finally got it.

And he chuckled to himself. This was a first for him too. Not once in 30 years had a girl made such a blunt move on him. But at least he finally got what she wanted.

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