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"Hello everyone," a voice said as 6 Demigods (Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Piper, and Jason) and 6 Olympians (Apollo, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite) appeared out of nowhere. "I am Ghost and I brought you all here to watch different Universes starring your own Son of Poseidon, Percy Jackson. Before we begin, do you have any questions?"

"Why did you do this?" Annabeth asked her grey eyes narrowed.

"Because I was bored and I wanted to," Ghost said. "You ready to begin?"

"What are you?" Artemis asked as she tried to summon her bow, but nothing happened.

"I am what you all might call a Documenter," Ghost replied as several screens appeared and each one had a different version of Percy Jackson. "I document different universes that contain Percy Jackson as the main character. These universes have things from betrayal to Percy and Nico fighting supernatural beings like ghosts and demons."

On the screens a few worlds gained their attention. One showed Percy in a green outfit with long white gloves that went up to his elbows and he had neon green sparks flying off him, another had Percy driving a red and white bike with a silvery-white dragon behind him, another had Percy fighting off creatures that were black as night, had bone-like armor and mask, and finally had red eyes filled with hatred. One had Percy killing people with a pistol in hand, and another had him fighting in mid-air with glowing yellow, red, blue, or silver hair.

"Where are we?" Athena asked.

"You are in my own realm that I control," Ghost replied. "In this realm, no powers can be used, no weapons either. You are all mortal and I am the superior being in here. Now then, are you ready to watch the first universe?"

"Might as well," Percy said as the area changed into a movie theater like place and he sat down with Annabeth right beside him.

Ghost smirked and said, "Then lets begin. First up is Yugioh! 5Ds: Duel of the Dragons Pt. 1!"

Percy Jackson Reacts to Different WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now