Starfrost_Dragon7702 II

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Dream number two


So this one was like five to seven years ago
Don't ask why I still remember this

So we were at home eating in-n-out

then my sister went to the bathroom and she just said "I want more in n out."

Then I went out of my room and we were at church (?)

I went to my mom with my sisters and my mom was just sitting in a chair.

So I went out of the room my mom was in and I just see a bunch of SWAT people coming in

So I go to my oldest sister and she says run

And then I go to my other sister and she says run

And then I go to my childhood church friend who's name is Euan

and I say run

And then so far everyone who's been saying run have died

But I didn't die

And then I run to my room where someone named Judy is

I lock the door
Then the swat people come in and the door becomes two inches tall

And apparently Judy had a PUPPY IN A BAG

and she gave it to the swat people like "oh this has really valuable stuff"

she goes on and on and then I wake up


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