a a a a a a a a a
I had another oneeeeI don't really remember that much but
I was with my childhood friend Aiden and there was a wAr so we went to hide
but there was this big thorn/thistle bush that's been in my dreams before, and for some dumb reason we dove into there
it hurt
so we shimmied out and Aiden disappeared from existence while I climbed a tree
then someone was cOmiNg aT mE so I jumped onto this rock slab thing and did the crab walk you do in the pool.. but on another rock ledge
then my mOm ((idk my dream kept switching everyone from humans to raptors)) told me to come back
so I did
and she pushed me onto a higher ledge
but then I lost grip because aPPARENTLY I was too dumb to have a good grip
or my hands were sweaty
I fell
not enough to kill you
but then I died?
because apparently thIS WAS ALL A SIMULATOR
so then my mom saw me dead and cRieD
and honestly it was sad :>