I lied...

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     Okay so I am writing this on my phone so that's why it is crap as well.

     I don't have anything to say other than be prepared for.......crap.

((My italics still won't work))

(Jeremy's POV)

     'Shit! Michael heard me crying, and I told him I would tell him why later!!! Michael is like a human lie detector! and I'm really bad at lying. I'm going to have to try to tell him the truth.

     The real reason I broke up with Christine, is because I realized I was in love with Michael and, really only used Christine to hide it. But I can't tell him that! He probably doesn't feel the same way ... And then our friendship would be ruined and I can't handle that! What am I going to do!'

(Time skip)

     "Shit!" Jeremy whispered a little to loud. Michael hit the off button on the alarm clock. "Yo! Jere, new sleepover record! Most sleep we have gotten in the past two months of sleepovers!" Michael smiled widely. Michael's smile made Jeremy bubble up inside. Soon the smile spread on to Jeremy's face.

     "Oh! Jere!" Michael piped up. "Yeah?" Jeremy replied cautiously, knowing what Michael was going to ask. "If you are feeling up to it, would you maybe tell me why you were crying last night?" Michael's voice was soft. Jeremy's stomach dropped. He knew it was coming but it never felt real. "I-I um, I well, um y-you see~" Jeremy scanned the room looking for some way to change the topic. He looked down at the bed sheets unsuccessful.

     "Jere-bear, you can tell me anything! We are best friends, no matter what."

"N-no matter wha-at?" Jeremy stuttered.

"No matter what!" Reassured Michael.

"O-okay well..... iliedandIkindamaybeonlylikedchristinetotakemymindoffmyloveforyoubecauseIknewyouwouldneverfeelthesame..." Jeremy quietly slurred. "I'm sorry Jeremy, but can you repeat yourself slower, and louder please?" Michael asked politely.

     Jeremy took a deep breath and shut his eyes tight. " I lied, T-the only reason I liked  C-Christine ... w-was so I could hide the fact t-that .... Michael Mell, I am in love with you. B-but I know y-you will never feel the same." Tears swelled up in Jeremy's eyes. He was ready to stand up and leave his old-best-friend's house.

     Michael sat there quietly, Probably processing what had just happened. Jeremy was nervous, why was Michael taking so long to respond? Then michael smiled his beautiful smile at Jeremy. "Why were you so scared to tell me?" Michael asked quietly. "I-I dunno, I j-just don't wanna lose y-you."

     "I would never leave you! How could I!" Michael wined adorably. "I'm s-sorry, I will leave now." Jeremy panicked. "No! Don't leave I need to do something!" Michael slid closer to Jeremy on the bed. "W-what do you need to do?" Jeremy asked confused. "This." Michael placed a hand on Jeremy's cheek and pulled him closer until they were breathing each other's air. They stared into each other's eyes, and soon enough Michael closed the space between them with a sweet loving kiss.


Oof. This is bad. Wow. Anyway if u haven't listened to the new bmc track....DO IT NOW!!! 😁 bye!

Word count: 540



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