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I am named Eleonora Rosalia Stones and I have being living most of my life in America , California precisely ,where the weather always bright makes it hard for a perfect depressing day . My life was normal , if it wasn't for my dad Mike it would have been otherwise .
Now it's been three years that I've long deserted the American States and am living in the Korean nation. I came here to continue my studies in the business department and thanks to my bourse I was able to enjoy the full experience here in this amazing place .
I have been giving it my all to pay back my one and only father, the most important person in my life . And for that I needed to hurry up and get ready to attend my morning lessons .
It became a habit of mine to stop by Jangmi's dorm to walk to the campus together. Jangmi is a girl that I'm absolutely glad I got to make acquaintances with . She was my client in my workplace : a cozy café near her parent's place . I remember it like yesterday, she came in with some " friends " and ordered a birthday cake for her . Somehow her ex-boyfriend flirted with me while she wasn't looking and me obviously turned him down in front of her , we got to stay in contact coincidentally and here we are in the university together. I'd say we make a good pair of friends not wanting to jinx it either , people are unpredictable.
Jangmi also is a fucking heavy sleeper so here I am nearly breaking her door trying to wake her up . I swear she could be robbed and wouldn't even know . I called her on her phone for the tenth time no answer . If she doesn't move now or pick up her phone , i'm getting out of here. Her ringtone , an Ariana Grande song that got stuck in my head because of her finally got cut short before it ends an eleventh time and Jangmi's morning voice greets me
+You better bring out you're ass out of bed right now or I am ditching you for the whole day , blame yourself later. +
+ I'm sorry I had a little bit too much to drink , I will be out in bit +
+Sure hurry up + }
I waited some minutes out until she was out , thankfully she gets dressed quickly .
I was going to scold her but she just shut me off saying how she really  doesn't need to hear me this morning sous prétexte her head was hurting her so much .
+ Your fault for getting wasted not me +
Was the only thing I said until we needed to get separated since each one of us had different classes . We bid our goodbyes with a more happier Jangmi , I still don't get how she switches up from a moody and hurt girl to this really bubbly girl , I literally can't even with her but I am still grateful to at least have one person in here, it makes me less anxious about the day . Now on to Business ethics .
The morning classes went by quickly and now I had to meet up with Jangmi again to eat out I waited near the door listening to some music until someone jumped on me and pulled out my ear pods . Jangmi looked at me excitedly pulling me out to the destination she had planned.
A ramen place . Well I am definitely not complaining, it is and by far will be my favorite dish .
We went in and ordered our servings ,it arrived shortly while we were having small talk .She was telling me about yesterday's gossip at the party . I wasn't able to tag along since I had other important things to take care of .
In my opinion ,I didn't really miss out anything of importance .
+ Have you talked to your dad Eleonora ? +
+ No not really , I have been too busy with things these past few weeks . He didn't contact me either so I guess he was busy at work too +
+ But you still should , he may think that you have been busy at school that's why he didn't call or message you either . +
+ True ,dad is the type to do that . I should call him tonight if nothing comes up +
+ Then that's good +
+ Talking about our parents how is your mom ? I should check out on her some of them days. +
+ Yeah she's been fine I talked to her two days ago , i will need to bring the stack of kimchi she has at home mostly for you. Come along then , she misses you +
+ Sure I will ,just don't forget to tell me until last minute as always +
+ That was once .. +
I just starred at her with a blank face
+ Okay maybe more but don't worry I won't forget this time I promise .+
+ Sure sure +
After finishing our meals , I hade to go back home to go from then to my shift in the café as usual .

I had been living in this apartment for while , it's a good size for one person and I like it here .

I had been originally staying at the dorms but my work schedule didn't work with the dorm's curfew. Sneaking out for parties or hangouts was fine but for work or more it was another tiring story so I decided on renting this place , it was hard but thankfully it worked out well.

I wasn't that dressed up this morning for school either so I just changed my pair of jeans with more comfortable sweatpants and took my phone and purse then went for work .

This afternoon wasn't hectic , I was too tired to deal with troublesome clients too so thankfully my shift ended calmly . It was night out , not really that scary more on the lively side .

Once back home ,I took a shower and did my night routine and got in bed . Before sleeping I called my dad Mike and he answered immediately . It was a two hour long call checking on each other and stories of his small adventures here and there. Those kind of calls calmed me the most they were soothing to my troubled mind .

I ended up staying awake longer than expected and falling asleep until past midnight but I did at least get to close my eyes and rest .

To be continued...

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