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Fridays were her shit days. Out of seven days of working her ass off and emitting an aura of flames she figured at least Friday, she could peel off the thousands of layers of social makeup and just be. An hour ago she decided to speak to her mother after six years of silent treatment and all she could think to say was,

"Have you been eating,you looked too thin in Vogue."
"When are you going to bring home a man, I want grandchildren."
"Your sister is getting married next month,come home."
Nour herself had uttered but one word; Hello. Now she was sitting in her favorite club, music pumping in her ears loud enough to drown out her own thoughts. Her friend ,Ghyslaine, danced sloppily across the room on her billionaire boyfriend and Nour herself wished that for once she could let go. She finished her glass, of whatever she'd ordered on a  whim ,and shimmied off the bar stool letting her glittery gold dress of thin fabric stick to her carmel skin. After a scan of the room ,her hazel eyes landed on the hottest man she'd seen all night.He was tall,maybe 6 foot 3, and he had unnaturally black curls that settled slightly below his ears and blue eyes that even in the dark pulled you in. His long, thin fingers were wrapped around a glass and he seemed all too bored with the space around him. He looked up from his glass his eyes mingling with hers. Without another glance she beelined for the restroom. She looked at herself in the mirror adjusting her curls that fell past her shoulder blades. A pair of eyes popped into her head just as two girls stumbled in the bathroom giggling drunkly.
Taking that as her cue to leave,she gathered herself up and headed back to her seat at the bar only to find it'd been taken by the hottie from before. Nour shrugged it off directing  herself to the stool beside him and  ordering another drink she'd never heard of.
"Well that's definitely going to screw you over." He said his  silvery voice  betraying  an Irish accent.
"Are you sure about that?"she said daringly taking the glass the bartender had sat before her and drinking from it. His eyes danced over her amused and he casually shrugged his shoulders.
"Luv I'm positive.I've had it. Tonight actually and the night before and before that.None of which I can recall any memories after drinking,"he paused lazily pointing to the cup in her hand, "that drink.Tomorrow I won't even remember saying this to you."
"Sounds like exactly what I need." She said and the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly before his mellow tone swallowed it again.
"What's troubling your pretty little head." He said tone uninterested but his eyes pulling at her intently.
"Usually I wouldn't share but since neither of us will remember,"she said taking another sip. "my controlling judgmental mother. She wants me to eat more but not too much, give her grandchildren and come see my almighty sister get married to my billionaire ex boyfriend." She gestured wildly the drink settling in nicely.
He nodded thoughtfully.
"That sounds awful. Billions you say, such a loss." He said and she rolled her eyes at his mock empathy.
"He was cheating scum. And my mother looked at me as if I'd done something wrong." She said her voice rising and her blood boiling as she clenched her fist.
"Are you going to hit me beautiful. That'd put me out of a job." He said his eyes steady as he slid his hand over hers and uncurled it in his own.
"Your name, I don't think you told me." He offered. His lips gently pressing to the back of her hand a surprisingly direct gesture. A gesture that diffused her anger as quickly as it'd come.
"Nour Annuet." She responded watching him carefully.
"Mira Semma." He responded his hand never leaving hers. His other one extended to remove the almost completely empty glass from her hand.
"Dance with me." He said his eyes completely enveloping hers.
"Why not." She smiled allowing him to pull her from the stool. In the humid club she allowed her body to press against his at an undoubtedly intimate proximity,as his hand rested at her hip and hers around his neck. The suggestive music that blared through the club only allowed the slow, seductive swinging of hip,grinding of bodies, locking of lips and hair pulling everyone in the packed dance floor had adopted. He stared unbashfully in her eyes, his doing things to her mind she couldn't comprehend. Here she was, slightly if not soon fully intoxicated, dancing with the hottest boy she'd ever seen. She studied his face and wondered again if she'd seen him before until it clicked. He was a model. One of the biggest ones as well. He was new ,but as long as you're beautiful ever magazine and photographer in the world will want you on the front of anything that sells. She played around with his name in her head. Mira Mira Mira. She danced until she thought her legs would melt out from under her , but when his hands were not at her waist or buried in her hair she felt a ridiculous emptiness and lack of warmth. She'd never let a man hold her, but as he walked her out the club and to the nearest coffee shop, pulled off the death trap of shoes she had on and offered her slides he kept in his car, and as they walked the streets of London like long lost lovers hand in hand she didn't mind his touch, his gaze, or even his kiss. They'd both instigated it after laughing over whether Sesshōmaru was a real villain in Inuyasha or misunderstood. His hand slipped absently into hers the other supporting her head as she found herself backed into a wall, her fingers wondering up his warm and beautifully sculpted back. She drowned in the moment the sounds of the city absent as their breath mingled between desperate and deep kisses. His lips tasted of the sweet matcha drink he'd drank before and after a look in between she was back in his car the anticipation of what was next eating away at her chest. He kept one hand in hers and his eyes carefully scanned roads as he pulled up to his small studio apartment. Books were strewn everywhere and they stumbled through the door absent mindedly discarding clothes as they went. His shirt, her dress, his pants , her bra. Until everything was off and she fell back breathless on his bed. White sheets pillowing around her, a soft breeze floating through an open balcony door. She let his name filter through her mind again. Mira Mira Mira
And as he descended down above her ,his bright blue eyes taking her in ,every emotion and lack of  control was apparent. She gasped aloud his name as he infiltrated her mind, claimed her body, and welcomed, no, extracted her voice from inside her. He left no part of her untouched and she reveled in a moment of sheer passion and lust.
"Holy shit" she cursed collapsing onto his chest. He pressed ghostly kisses along her neck,his fingers entangled in her hair and she couldn't deny herself as she looked up at him and simply said, "Again."
He rolled his eyes a haughty smile on his lips as he rolled her over his hands splaying playfully at the small of her back. She arched at his touch a sigh of anticipation dropping from her lips as his met her ear from behind.
"Again." He gave in and she gave into pleasure again uncaring of consequence.

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