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Alison stepped out of her car onto the pavement of her home. She currently lived with her father and her father only. Her parents split long ago and she didn't have a very good memory of the situation because she was only 6. She walked towards the door and into the house.

 Turning on the light, Alison called for her father only to find him seconds later on the couch asleep. Rolling her eyes, she headed upstairs to her room, slamming the door.

"Come on, girl! You can't act like this forever, can you?" Alison's friend Macie said over the phone. "You need to loosen up and confront him, for real."

"I can't. He'll be mad at me and it will only add onto the many problems I have with him! Even if I tried he would probably pass out with a bear in his hand anyway." Alison snickered at the thought.

"Do you think I am playing with you? I'm serious.."

"It's not even any of your business anyway! God, why did I even tell you any of this.."

"If you weren't so uptight about everything maybe you wouldn't be whining like a fucking baby all the time!"

Alison slammed her computer shut after Macie made her remark and laid her head down onto her pillow. She then looked at her cat, Georgia.

"You understand me, do you?" She examined her cat who was giving her a snarky and challenging look.

"Of course not."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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