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i was laying on my couch watching tv when the phone rang. i had been waiting for a call from finn ever since new years so i practically pounced on it. it wasn't finn, but i answered anyway.
"hi! is this jack dylan grazer?"
"this is he, how can i help you?"
"jack this is stacy from willow creek theatre, we wanted to congratulate you on getting the part of martin!"
i gasped and busted out a smile
"are you serious?? the second male lead? thank you so so much!"
i pranced around my living room
"you're welcome! show up to rehearsal next saturday at 3. see you there!"
i hung up the phone and squealed. i jumped on my bike and took it outside, racing to finns house. i arrived and knocked on his door, fidgeting. he opened it with a puzzled look on his face and i exclaimed
"i got the second male lead!"
he broke into a smile and i collided into him in a hug. he hugged me back and we stayed like that for a solid ten seconds, just holding each other. he smelled so nice (i don't know how weird that sounds) and his hair tickled my cheek. he pulled away first blushing slightly
"do you wanna come inside?"
i nodded and he led me to his room. my heart started pounding when i realized no one was home, my mind racing to possible things that could happen. i felt a blush spread on my cheeks and shook my head. we're just friends, right?
we sat on the ground and he pulled a blanket off his bed. he draped it over us and fiddled with the remote.
"what movie do you want to watch?"
"hmm, any disney movie. preferably moana"
he smiled and turned on moana, setting down the remote and inching closer to me pulling the rest of the blanket around him. the movie started and i sang all the songs. finn even sang along at "youre welcome" because duh, it's you're welcome. i sent a video to wyatt because he loves that song and he continued to spam me the entire lyrics. at the part when they get attacked by the coconuts, finn scooted closer to me leaving around five inches in between us.
"it's kinda chilly in here" he said grinning at me. the space between us was so small it sent shivers down my spine yet i just wanted to move in right next to him and put my head on his shoulder.
so that's what i did.
i felt his breath hitch and then he smiled and put a hand around my waist, pulling me closer. we stayed like that the whole rest of the movie until finn had to get up to turn off the tv. i frowned
"im sorry jack but my moms gonna be home soon, can we hang out tomorrow?"
i nodded understandably and he led me out the door. i hopped on my bike and as soon as i turned the corner parked and called soph.
"okay okay you go first you go first"
i heard her squeal
"i got samantha! max's sister! that's the second female lead jack!!"
i smiled
"oh my gosh i got the second male lead too!! im so glad you don't have to kiss finn"
"oooh jackies getting jealous"
i felt my face heat up and my tone turn defensive
"i am not! well maybe a little. but anyway, finn and i totally just fucking cuddled while watching a movie!"
some people on the street started to look at me so i told her i had to go. i pedaled back home and went straight to bed after getting a snack, needing to comprehend what had all happened today.
i woke up and went downstairs to make  breakfast since my mom was on a business trip. i made some waffles and after eating them decided to head to town to look around a bit. i love exploring all the small businesses and such. i went outside and was greeted by the biggest bouquet of flowers id ever seen in my life with a little note attached.
"dear jack,
i saw these flowers in the store and they reminded me of you, cause you're both so pretty and delicate and pure. i don't even know if this sounds weird now but i thought you might enjoy them like how i enjoy my time with you
i blushes furiously and brought them inside, placing the flowers in a vase and put the note on my desk. i decided to thank finn in person so i washed my face and spruced up a bit more and jumped on my bike yet again, heading over to his house. this time when i got off i was so nervous to ring the doorbell. i didn't even know why, but it took me two minutes to knock on that door. when i did finn answered with a smiley yet nervous look on his face.
"hey jack, what's up?"
i snapped out of whatever trance i was in and answered
"finn! hey so i uh wanted to thank you for the flowers and was wondering if you maybe wanted to go around downtown with me?"
he smiled and nodded.
"id love that"
he followed me outside and got his bike from the lawn. we rode for ten minutes until we arrived, me sneaking looks at him the whole time. first we stopped at a quaint little vegan bakery which was delicious, finn treated me to a vanilla cupcake while he got a blueberry muffin, we sat down to eat, i took crumbs off his muffin and ate them but he didn't seem to mind, playfully smacking my hand a couple times but ultimately gave me half. we stopped at a pet shop too, playing with a cute wiener dog. we named it jeffery but of course that was a mistake because we got attached and it was so, so hard to leave that dog. we eventually moved on, battling a gym on pokemon go and then snuck up on a roof of a YMCA to watch the sun set. it was the most serene thing ive ever seen, and the orange golden tint on all the rustic buildings was truly amazing.
"isn't it beautiful?" i asked finn, turning to look at him and i realized he was staring at me
"yeah, you are"
i chuckled and playfully shoved him
"you're so cliche"
"no, this is cliche" he said as he pretend yawned and draped his arm around me. i laughed and we stayed like that for at least half an hour, watching the world change from orange, to purple, to black. we climbed down and boarded our bikes, taking the shortcut to finns house. when we arrived i dropped him off by the mailbox and he started to walk inside, parking his bike.
"goodbye finn, thanks for an amazing day." i said. he stopped walking and then turned around, a serious look on his face.
"please don't go home" he said. i was taken aback, not sure what he meant. i had never seen him this serious, he was always happy and smiley.
"it's just it's so late, it's 9pm and your house is a ways away, i don't want anything happening to you. it's not safe, could you maybe just spend the night? please?"
i smiled at his vulnerability. it really meant a lot to me that he cared.
"of course ill stay finn"
he sighed in relief and pulled me inside. he went to get us water as i went upstairs and started creating a cot on the ground by his bed.
"what are you doing?" he said, entering the room.
"im setting up a place for me to sleep, duh"
he set the glasses down on his nightstand and started picking up all my stuff and placing it on the bed
"no no no, you're not sleeping on the ground. if anything ill sleep on the ground and you can sleep on my bed."
i grabbed my pillow from him as he picked it up, and he tugged it back.
"no way, you can sleep in your own bed!"
i yanked the pillow from him and he grabbed the one on his bed, hitting me with it. i gave him a look that said 'are we really about to do this' and he raised his eyebrows as if to say 'hell yeah we are'
i jumped up onto his bed, hitting his side with my pillow and he spun around and hit me back. i ran around his room and he chased me hitting each other until we were worn out. we collapsed on his bed breathing heavily.
"i totally won that."
i lightly slapped him and rolled my eyes.
"no way, i won. now let's go to bed im super tired."
he moved down onto the floor and pulled up the blanket from the day earlier, reaching to flip the light switch near his nightstand.
"goodnight jack, sleep well"
i rolled over to look at him, tucked under the covers.
"goodnight finn, sweet dreams"
we laid in silence for around five minutes but it felt like forever. i was just building up enough courage to ask him. ask him if he could lay with me, so i could feel him close to me again, that euphoric feeling i got.
it was tricky, but i finally asked
he let out a sleepy "mhm?" as if he was already almost asleep
"could you maybe, come lay down with me?"
it was silent for a couple seconds
then finn got up and laid down next to me, pulling me close to his body.
i let out a content sigh and dozed off in finns arms, peaceful and happy.

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