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~For intensified sadness, play the song when you see the ~ Enjoy the last chapter guys~

~For intensified sadness, play the song when you see the ~ Enjoy the last chapter guys~

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Valerie slipped inside her home and crept up the stairs and into her bedroom. She was almost like a shadow in the darkness. The moonlight spilled in through the window, glowing silver against the bedsheets.

She took off her denim jacket and dropped it onto the floor and, face first, she flopped onto her bed. It was nearly 2:30 in the morning. Though her parents told her be back by midnight, she managed to get away with a few extra hours out partying with some of her new colleagues. In spite of the numbness in her head, she still remembered to call Michael, just like she did most nights. He wasn't always there to answer and when he did, it was usually after a concert. She rarely heard from him before a show; his endeavours during that time of the day were kept in the dark. Equally, he'd call her at the unluckiest times, when she'd still be sleeping.

Although for the time being they were in separate countries living separate lives, they kept in contact with each other at least a few times a week.

Valerie reached across to her nightstand and rolled onto her side as she picked up the receiver and dialled Michael's number. It would have been early in the evening in Japan. She hoped that he'd be around.

"Hello?" answered Michael.

She smiled upon hearing his voice. "Hi, Michael, it's me."

His tone warmed immediately. "Valerie, baby. You okay?"

"Yeah, a lot better since you picked up. You're not too busy right now, are you?"

"Nah. I ain't performing tonight,"

His words were slowed—but clear—as if his brain couldn't keep up with his mouth. By now, she was able recognise when he was sober and he was high. And at this moment in time, he was high as a kite.

"How 'bout you?" he asked.

She kicked her heels off and they landed on the floor with a thud. She cursed at the accidentally loud noise. "I literally just got home; the people at work invited me to go to this club with them."

"You have fun?"

"Sort of...let's just say that I needed a few drinks to be able to do that..."

"Oh, shit," he said as if he had forgotten. "You got hired, didn't ya?"

"I did," she smiled.

THURSDAY | Book 1 (TRILOGY)Where stories live. Discover now