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~This chapter is not in sequence with the mixtape, but rather an extra scene detailing another of their interactions. It failed to make the previous chapter, so here it is. Enjoy~


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~JANUARY 1989,

Each one became more pleasurable than the last.

And they never got tired of each other.

As the weeks went by, Michael and Valerie fell into a routine that was both blissful and frustrating; they would meet at around 6, take ecstasy, fuck until their legs gave out, and one of them would end up leaving the apartment. They rarely ever spent the night together.

And that's where the frustration would come in.

No matter how much she pleaded, he simply wouldn't allow it. The two of them, sleeping in a bed together until morning? Never.

They were not a couple.

But all that time they did spend together—somewhere in between the thick haze of sex and X, they shared a joke or even a conversation. Valerie began to realise that she liked the way Michael made her laugh as much as he made her come. And despite her usually logical train of thought, she just could not deny her feelings for him. It may have been wrong, but it felt so right.

So, Thursday after Thursday, she became more obsessed with him than any fan of his. In 2 months, she went from living responsibly while working a secure job, to a person who hardly cared about a thing—and the higher she climbed, the deeper she sank into a dark, lonely place.

Then Thursday would come again.

And in an instant, all of her troubles would float away—only to return again on the weekend.

It was a terrible cycle, but not one that she saw ending anytime soon.

Despite that she declined the offer during their first meeting, Michael's promise of wealth proved far too irresistible to Valerie; her body and beauty earned her any materialistic thing she desired, be it rubies and pearls, the latest high-end fashion, or—her favourite—thick wads of cash to spend any which way. Valerie had everything that she wanted at the touch of her fingertips. But she didn't have any friends. As far as company went, Michael was all she had. All she needed. Thus, she became a star—a lonely star—like him. But they were both content enough with their lives, so why put an end to a good thing?

Instead of leaving after their sexcapades, Valerie would linger in the bedroom for some time. For as long as she was in that apartment at least, any and everything outside of it was non-existent. As far as she was concerned, it was her place too.

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