Prologue Ties that bind

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Both armies were battling each other until "Nohrian general you face the high prince of Hoshido Ryoma! I CHALLENGE YOU TO SINGLE COMBAT!" Ryoma yelled "I will accept your challenge "high" prince. But I am no general... I AM CROWN PRINCE XANDER OF NOHR hyah" His horse neighed and ran slashing Hoshidan soldiers while Ryoma ran towards them Xander than jumped off when Ryoma jumped high to meet blades only strike a clash

"Come on Y/N we've got work to do!" Hinoka said to you to get your attention back at hand but you to slow to relize you've gotten hit and tried to hit back only to miss until only the enemy tried to finish you Hinoka jumped in front of you along with her Pegasus to protect you "Y/N what's the matter with you? You seem distracted if you're worried don't be all of us are with you the Nohrians won't beat us" Hinoka said with confidence "Ready to attack?" Hinoka asked
*1 enemy later*

"All right" you said with relief


"Tell me prince of Nohr why you Nohrian scum attacked my people and why do you invade us?" Ryoma yelled at Xander "Silence I have nothing to say to you If you decline you'll die were you stand" Xander then attacked Ryoma only to be at the brink of death but...
"YOU DESERVE WORST!" Ryoma activated astra almost killing Xander
"Oh no the bridge is out how will we get to Y/N now?" Elise said in a glum tone "Not to worry sister this dragon blood still has use to us" Camilla reassured "Ah you've found a dragon vein Camilla?" Leo asked "Yes now to dry this river"
"Nicely done *giggles" Elise said "Haha I wouldn't let all of you down everyone follow the leader" Camilla motherly spoke "Listen Elise stay behind us to avoid being killed" Leo told

*Back to the Hoshidans*

"What the Nohrians used a dragon vein to dry the moat then they must be the royals" Hinoka shocked at Camilla's display of the use of the vein "Yes that means it's gonna get hard from here whatever I've wanted a Nohrian royal target anyway" Takumi said with a vengeance "Stay focused Y/N the Nohrians have the royals on their side" both sides were brutally outnumbered with both generals calling reinforcements "Dammit reinforcements I'll scout them Takumi Sakura stay with Y/N" Hinoka then flew off to the skies "Keep it together Y/N I know your hurting right now but you'll be alright" Takumi giving you support "I'll heal you right away" Sakura tended your wounds until an enemy came out of nowhere "Oh no an ambush" Sakura gasped "Sakura get back me and Y/N will take care of it" Takumi tried to calm Sakura down
*1 enemy later*
"Whew" you were already exhausted after the fight
"Ok good work guys" Hinoka cheered from above "That went well probably cause I helped you and your welcome btw" Takumi cheered on you too "Come on let's check up on Ryoma" Hinoka and all of you ran to Ryoma "Are you all right Ryoma" Hinoka asked "Yes only a small flesh wound reinforcements are coming my way Y/N I'm counting on you to keep the others out of harms way" Ryoma planned "Your not hurt are you? Thank heavens your healthy Y/N quickly join us now and we'll end this" Xander called out "Not out of my watch! NOHRIAN FILTH! Y/N stays with us as a princess of Hoshido and sister" Ryoma yelled "SILENCE Y/N is a princess of NOHR and MY sister" Xander retaliated "Y/N We're worried about you don't get out of my sight again" Camilla softly spoke "You have the devil's own luck glad to see you Y/N" Leo was impressed "Yay Y/N's back!" Elise was so happy to see you "Nohrian scum you kidnapped her now your lying to her" Hinoka screamed "No your mistakened Y/N is my baby sister" Camilla talked down to Hinoka "Don't be fooled Y/N You belong with us" Ryoma tried to get you back on your side "Come back Y/N we loved you and raised you since you were a child come to Nohr and will continue our lifes" Xander called out to you "Come home to Hoshido Y/N!" Ryoma yelled "NO Y/N NOHR IS YOUR HOME" Xander yelled louder at you suddenly you heard a little voice calling "Hey wake up" and everything whited out...

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