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I woke up to the warm sun blazing against a field of trees, and cool breeze pulling my long brown hair in front of my freckled face.

"Umm..." I said, "where am I?"

The woods had the tallest trees I could've ever imagined. The light that rested on their leaves gave the trees and other plants a color like none I've ever seen before. The grass was the greenest and most comfortable in the world. I started to get up off the ground then immediately remember what happened before I came to... Well to wherever I am now. I looked at my hands then my legs and feet. Soon my face was covered in tears, tears about leaving my family behind. Tears of not knowing where on the planet Earth I was. if I was even on earth. And tears of sadness because she couldn't save the cat that I went to all that trouble to save. Finally, I wiped the tears out of my eyes and walked along the forest. 

"This forest is my favorite." I thought to myself as I was looking at the most beautiful cardinal I've ever seen. 

As I was walking animals kept poking out their heads and looked at me with curiosity. Soon I Spotted I what looked like a house that was covered in grass, kind of like how you see them do it in the "lord of the rinngs" movies. Decided to walk towards the building and again something hit me. Only this thing was a dog and it wasn't really hitting me as much as bumping into me. The dog looked to be a German Shepherd puppy with blueish white eyes so I guessed he was blind.

"Hi, there!" I heard a man yell from in front of me. "Like my little puppy?"

"Ya, I think your puppy is really cute. Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked

"Well, she's a girl but she does act like a boy sometimes. Her name is lily. She seems to of taken a liking to you though. I'm Lance what is your name." Said the man as he was holding out his hand to greet me.

"Uhh, ya my name is Melanie," I said as I also stretched out my hand to greet him. "Do you know where we are by any chance?"

"Why are you here if you don't even know where you are? No offense but that seems pretty stupid." Lance laughed.

"Don't get me wrong I think that this is stupid too but it's not really my decision. I just showed up here not knowing where I am. Is that weird?" I asked.

"Well... it is a bit weird but I won't judge. Do you know if you have any memories of where you were before?" lance inquired.

"No." I said even though I did "I already tried to think about it but... I just can't.

how could I tell a complete stranger what was going on? He could be so shocked with fear or confusion he could die! How am I supposed to tell someone they are a dream. I can't that's how. it's like saying oh your not real thanks for trying though.

"Well." Lance said "you can stay with me at my house if you'd like. I see you already took a liking to my dog here. my house has an extra room in it so you can stay there. Ok?"

"Thanks. You are very kind. How long can I stay until I need to find somewhere new?"

"You can stay as long as you need," Lance said

"Again, thank you so much, "I said as gratefully as I could.

"Come on inside let me show you around," Lance said. As we walked inside lily was walking right next to me actionable bumping into me but I couldn't think of a single thing the would've made me happier. When we walked inside the first thing I noticed was the fact that the small home I saw from the outside was actually a lot bigger than I expected. It had a wide living room with what I think was a game cabinet where there would usually be a television. The rug that lay under the blue leather couches was a mixture of colors, it was a picture of a garden with the most beautiful trees and lake in the background. I looked to the left and saw a hallway with about 4 doors, then I looked right and saw a less modern kitchen. I walked inside and noticed absolutely NO electronics were in it. The kitchen had wood flooring and opened right into the living room. The furnace was what you picture a pizza oven to look like but with a smaller size. Next were the counters... I can't even explain the counters. Try to picture your school desks just without legs and attached to a wall, with a little hole and a what looked to be a bucket with a hose as a sink. The upper cabinets were partly normal if you think normal is having long stools attached to a wall that you could set your food or spatulas or ANYTHING on. Soon we made our way to the hallway and stopped at the first door.

"This is Lily's room," Lance said with a smile "she goes in here sometimes on her own but most of the time sleeps on my bed cuddled up in a circle. Don't tell her but most of the time I count on her to wake me up in the mornings or else I'll sleep in an extra three hours or so."

"Well don't count on me for an alarm either. I've always been the type of person who wakes up super late." I laughed

We walked down to another door. When Lance opened it, I almost dropped my mouth in shock. The room was so clean you could see every speck of dust that dared to float in the air.

"Wow! I don't think I've ever seen a room this clean! How do you keep your room this clean?!" I asked

"Well, I clean it every day. Its easier to clean because no one lives in here."


well, I felt bad for whoever was reading this story(one person) so I decided to update. So here you go.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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