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He returned to the table just as the appetizers she'd ordered were being placed in front of her, the waiter going over every item as he not so discreetly looked at her cleavage.

Clearing his throat, he smiled darkly as the waiter paled at having been caught ogling Annabel.

"My love, I apologize that took longer than expected..." he said in English, trailing a gentle finger down her cheek smiling as her eyes widened at the contact before he sat across from her.

"It's ok, Kenshi was explaining the dishes. Oh, try the wine, it's exquisite. Wonderful recommendation Kenshi, thank you" she chuckled nervously, shooting him questioning looks as the waiter resumed going through the dishes before he was departing with a bow.

"Kenshi?" He asked curiously, setting his wine glass down after a few sips. It had been a good recommendation indeed, but he wasn't going to give the disrespectful waiter the satisfaction.

"That's what he said his name was! Would you rather I call him waiter?"

"Yes!" He snapped barely audibly, shaking his head as she frowned, confusion written all over her face.

"You're not serious, right? What did he even do?!"

"He was looking at you in a very disgusting manner, undressing you with his eyes, probably imaging doing things to-"

"No way, that wasn't-"
"I'm a man, I know these things."
"Let's just eat, ok? This is a really nice place and I want to enjoy this once in a lifetime experience. Deal?"

"Deal. I admit, you made very good choices."
"Have you been here before?"

He nodded.

"A few business meetings. Nothing quite like this. Today feels like the first real time."

Almost two hours later, they stepped out to the the slightly chilly evening air, laughing quietly. Hiroshi couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun on a date, taking her hand and tucking into the crook of his arm as they started the short walk to the car.

"That was hands down the best dinner I've ever had! I'm still mad you didn't let me pay half... It was an exorbitant amount of money Hiro, I feel b-"

He stopped walking, turning to face her and tilting her chin up with a gentle index finger, brushing his lips against hers a few times.

"There. Payment received. Now you don't have to feel bad." He didn't make a move to pull away though, as she still had her eyes closed, plump lips slightly parted, her chest rising rapidly as she sighed in almost a moan.

When her eyes fluttered opened, he was surprised to see the rawness of her feelings in the depths of the molten golden orbs.
He groaned when she staggered back, letting go of his forearms as she blushed a deep red and looked everywhere but at him as she cleared her throat.

Silently grabbing her hand, he pulled her towards the car hurriedly, ignoring her giggling protest about why he was rushing. He opened the door for her and motioned impatiently, hurrying around to the driver's side, revving the engine before driving off rapidly.

"Tell me if you do not want to be with me now" he demanded as he sped towards his apartment, keeping his eyes on the road, reaching out a tentative hand towards her bare knee. He shuddered as his fingers made contact with her soft skin, her flesh warm as he slowly drew circles with his middle finger.

"I do..." she said quietly, Hiroshi taking a quick peek at her, surprised she'd shrugged her jacket off her shoulders and had removed her jewelry, the left strap of her dress sliding down her shoulder lazily.

He groaned, biting his lip before pressing down further on the gas, knowing they were still 12-15 minutes away from his place.

"Do you have protection?" She asked curiously, Hiroshi slowing down before taking the exit, revving the engine again as he picked up speed.

"Yes, I always use protection. Don't you?"

"I haven't been with anyone since my husband died."

He watched her sleep with a small smile on his lips, proud that he'd worn her out just as the sun started peeking over the horizon. Her body had responded to his touch immediately, Annabel melting into him as he kissed her thoroughly, undressed her slowly, and touched every single inch of her.

Leaning his head back against the headboard, the sheets bunched up around his waist, he smiled as he remembered her taste. It had been exotic and fruity, her sweet nectar an aphrodisiac he couldn't get enough of as he'd made her squirt.

A low chuckle escaped him at her surprised face, the poor woman freezing mid orgasm, her body shaking as she couldn't stop cumming for him.

"Oh my god, oh my god! That's never happened before! Hiro, I -"

He'd shushed her by kissing her hard, slyly slipping on a condom as he did so before entering her slowly. She'd been so tight and moist, her center milking him within minutes of their first coupling. It only got better from there and he lost track of how many times he'd made her cum, his name being the last thing she'd call out before she came.

Now she slept peacefully on his bed, dressed in one of his old t-shirts he'd kept from college. Her hair was tucked under her as she slept on her side, plump bottom poking out, her soft skin begging for his caress silently. At least that's what he told himself as he reached over and smoothed a hand over her thighs and legs, smiling when she stirred as he kissed the rounded curve of her backside.

"Hiro? Mmmmmm..."
"Good morning..."
"Good morning indeed....ahhhhhh" she moaned as he spread her legs, slowly lapping at her center, knowing she was probably sore from their lovemaking the evening before. He was gentle, not wanting to hurt her or cause her discomfort, but he got the cue from her when she started grinding herself against his face, begging him for more.

This woman was going to be the death of him.

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