Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Happy flies out of the clubhouse and onto his bike, pulling out of the lot with the rest of the club. I sit on one of the couches and Lyla comes to sit with me. She doesn't say anything at first but then, puts her hand on my knee and says "They'll get him. I know they will." I look at her knowing she's right. "They have to Ly. I can't handle him being out there." I tell her. "I wonder if he got to mom?" she asked seemingly in her own thoughts. "I really don't care if he did or not. She sold me like I was a piece of property. She deserves more than just him killing her." I say with malice in my voice.

Happy and the guys pull up to the area that was pinged when Juice tracked his phone. It was an abandoned area with nothing more than an empty warehouse. Sitting outside on their bikes a little bit away, they get a game plan together. "Chibs, Opie, Jax and Bobby, you three head in the back way. Hap, Tig, you are with me going in the side. Juice, you stay put and look out. Anything suspicious you text me." Clay says as they go their separate ways. Going in the side, they see a dim light inside of one of the room that could be one of the offices. Slowly, they all meet up and Jax turns the knob slowly, catching the attention of the man they are looking for. Pulling his gun on Jax, Jason sees Jax smirk just before seeing everyone else piling into the little office. Happy walking forward, knocking the gun out of his hand, wraps a hand around Jason's throat before slamming him against the cinder block wall. "You put your hands on the wrong woman, you stupid mother fucker." Happy seethed through gritted teeth, trying to control the urge to just rip him apart right there. "Let's bring him out and hang him up." Clay instructs. Doing as he President instructs, Happy pulled Jason by his hair out to the middle of the warehouse. Seeing hooks hanging from the ceiling, the guys make quick work of hanging Jason from the hook by his wrists. With a slight smile, Happy thought about how he was going to enjoy this. Tig sits Happy's bag of tricks out onto the table that Juice and Chibs moved over beside where Jason was dangling.

Pulling out a hunting knife, Happy slices through his shirt and ripping the rest off. "Undress him." Happy says and with a wicked grin, Tig and Juice start to undress Jason the rest of the way. "You like raping women? Selling them just to make a little money?" Happy asked. "Why her?" Jason looked at Happy and with a smug grin says, "I wasn't going to sell her. I have wanted that pussy for a long time but she always turned me down. When her mom said she would do anything to clear her debt, I made that cunt suck my dick and then told her I wanted her daughter. Bitch was begging me to take Lana from her." That made Happy's blood boil. Happy channeled all of his anger, trying to decide what he wanted to do next. Seeing a pipe laying on the floor, he tells Bobby, "Hand me that pipe." Not knowing what Happy was thinking, Bobby did as he was asked. Handing Happy the pipe, Happy looks at Jason and getting almost nose to nose, says, "You like raping women? You like watching them beg you to stop don't you?" Sensing what Happy was getting at Jason starts to squirm. "Hold him still and lower the rope. I want him bending over the table." Happy says and all of the guys realize what he is going to do. Doing as he asked, Happy gets close to Jason's ear and whispers, "Now you get to see what those women felt. You get to beg me to stop." Jason's eyes go wide as Happy spits on the pipe and starts to rape Jason with it.

Two hours later, Happy finally puts a bullet in Jason's head. Walking out of the warehouse for a smoke, Clay comes to his side, "Head back to your girl, Hap. We'll clean this up." Happy nods to Clay and takes off for his bike.

Happy walks back to the clubhouse and pulls me to his dorm. Closing and locking the door, he puts me against the wall and kisses me roughly. Adrenaline still pumping through him. I do the only thing I can and that is to kiss back with just as much power. I know what this is. This is him pushing through that adrenaline. He puts me on the bed and yanks my pants down before putting me on my stomach and entering me in one swift thrust. As his thrusts get harder and faster, I feel myself about to climax. Just as I find my release, he finds his too. Falling onto my stomach, he falls onto the bed next to me. I look at him with a smile on my face, "Feel better?" I asked. He smiles back a little and says, "A little." Pulling me into his side, I wait for him to say something. Finally he does. "It's done, little girl. You're safe." I look up at him and whisper, "Rest tonight. But tomorrow, I want to know everything."

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