Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

It's been two months since Christopher was born and Belle seems to still be fascinated by her little brother. Lyla and Gemma come to see me every day just to talk and to see the babies. Things are running so smoothly. Dinner is cooking as Happy walks in the door. "Hey Momma." he says as he kisses my lips softly. "Hey Babe. How was your day?" I asked. "Honestly? It was shit. Looks like I am leaving for a few days. Tacoma needs me for a job but shouldn't be gone more than a couple of days." he tells me. "Okay. Do I need to stay with Lyla or Gemma?" I asked. "No. It's just me and Tig going so I'll have Juice camp out on the couch and help with the kids since you seem comfortable with him." he tells me. "Thanks babe. Juice has kind of become like a brother to me and the kids love him. You know the last time he was here, he literally sat and watched reruns of Scooby Doo with Belle? He is such a big kid." I tell him, laughing. I put his food in front of him and put Belle's finger food in front of her and start to eat while Christopher is sleeping in his swing. After putting the kids to bed, Happy and I go to bed and start to show each other how much we will miss each other.

Happy left this morning and Juice is already sitting on my couch. "Hap told me that my only job while he is gone is to help you so you are pretty much stuck with me for the next couple of days." he tells me. "Why does that not surprise me?" I asked laughing. "But, honestly, I am glad you are here. I don't like being alone when he's not here." I tell him. After dinner, he helps me with the kids, giving them baths, feeding them and getting them to bed. He reads Belle one of her books while I am putting Christopher down for the night. After we get them down, I ask, "Wanna watch a movie?" He looks at me "Sure, just please no chick flicks." he says laughing. "I swear I think Happy threw out all my romance movies. How about Transformers?" I asked and his face lit up. Yep just like a big kid.

Halfway through the movie, there's a knock on the door. I pause the movie and Juice walks to the door and looks through the peephole. "There's some lady out here. Do you know her?" he asked. I look through the peephole to see who it is. "Fuck. That's my mother." I tell him. Opening the door, I step outside and Juice steps out with me. "What do you want?" I asked harshly. "Now, is that any way to speak to your mother?" she bit back. "Mother? No. You? Yes. What do you want and how did you find me here?" I asked again. "I came to take you home." she says and I look at her shocked. "I am home. I told you I wasn't going back with you." I told her. "You will do what I tell you to do, Lana. Now, get packed and let's go." she tells me and goes to grab my arm. Juice steps in front of me and tells me to get in the house and call Opie." he says. I step inside and call Opie. "Hey, Lana. What's up?" he asked as he answers the phone. "I need you to get to my house now. My mother just showed up. Bring Lyla with you." I tell him. "We're on our way." he says and ends the call. A few minutes later, Opie and Lyla pull up and Lyla comes straight into the house. "You need to leave." Opie said. "I'm not going anywhere without my daughter." my mother tells him. "Yes you are. Lana isn't going anywhere. She already told you that." Opie says. "Well, she doesn't belong to you so you don't get a say." she tells Opie. "No but she isn't yours either. Her Old Man will be home any minute." And as if summoned, Happy pulls into the driveway. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked my mother. "How dare you talk to me like that." My mother exclaims. "This is Lana and Lyla's piece of shit mother." Opie tells him. Getting in her face, he says "You need to leave my wife alone. She doesn't want to be with you. If you come near her again, I will kill you myself." He tells her. "Wife? Lana!" she yells. "You got married and didn't tell me? You really became the biker whore your sister did? Seriously?" she asked. Happy gets in her face again with Opie and Juice on each side of him and says "Get the fuck out of here. NOW!" He yells in her face and she cowards down and turns to leave.

Walking inside, Happy pulls me to him and whispers "I won't let her get to you. Are you okay?" I look at him and nod my head yes as I pull him closer. Happy turns to Opie and Juice, "Thanks for being here brothers. Means a lot." They just slap him on the back and head out the door with Lyla in tow. Sitting down on the couch, I look at Happy and say, "I don't think this was the end of it." He frowns and says "I know. She doesn't know about the kids does she?" he asked. "Not that I know of. She didn't even know we were married." I tell him. "Good. But I don't want you or the kids alone until she is gone." he tells me and I just nod.

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