Chapter One

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"You must be Luna, I'm Mother Galaxy. Your mother."


----Seven Millenias earlier----

 In the void, there was a young woman who was born into that of hierarchy. She had pitch black hair and her eyes were a dark blue that seemed to be black when she looked around her empty space. At age six the child had nothing but a few stars that twinkled and kindled in her dark hair like they were alive. In her own silence, she spotted a beautiful gold and white light that twinkled far off in the distance, and for the first time in her six years of life, she moved. She floated towards the light until she made it out to be a large ruin, where the building crumbled and on the ground, various skeletons lay. "Hello?" She called as she had begun to float across the area searching for signs of life. When she found none she opted to learn to walk and learn to waltz around the area. When her feet touched the ground of the ruin it erupted into a bright light. Something her eyes couldn't seem to comprehend. With each step she took the building which was once crumbling under her feet seemed to grow in life and rebuild itself. "Whatever you did I'm grateful." A deep voice called as she whipped her head to see a bright grey-haired man. His silver eyes glanced around the temple which was now lighting with life as holograms began to start working and people seemed to come out of a freeze moving as though nothing happened. "Come now, Let's get you somewhere safe." The man said as he held out his hand to her the small child accepting it gratefully.


"Okay! I think I've got it! Now I need to ask you something! On my map, it shows this dark area, I haven't been able to figure out why it isn't lighting." Luna spoke as she adjusted the star map to show Mother Galaxy the area as the older star goddess glanced it over. "Ah, that's section four. That star erupted long ago. We never had a sun deity to go fix it so we're letting the star die." Father Life said as Mother Galaxy nodded pointing to Sunny who stared at it. "But since we have one now he could always go and walk the ruin until it lit up again." Mother Galaxy said as she Moved the map back. "Only a deity can revive a ruin so they're actually quite rare." She whispered as Father Time pushed the map back a bit to chart a course to the star. "But you should only go if you feel the need to fix it. By now the life on the surrounding planets will have perished. Who knows how degraded that ruin could be." Mother Galaxy called as Sunny glanced to the map which was being drawn on like it was a piece of paper.


Years later when the girl turned eightteen she was in full control of her powers. The man had identified himself as Father Light and told her that she was a powerful woman who had reignited a dead solar system which was going to spark a new life if it stayed lit. "Galaxy please don't run fast!" She called a small blonde girl who was running after her new friend. Galaxy lept over the large bush her war clothes on as she disappeared into thin air giggling when she reappeared in mid-air floating about. "I'm sorry Mother Morning but I can't help but run!" She called as she dropped to the ground the year older goddess letting her hair ignite in flames as she puffed her cheeks out angrily. Mother Morning wore a beautiful orange and slightly pink dress which depicted a sunset that draped gently over her pregnant stomach. "Yes well, I cannot run like I used to! I'm very pregnant and can barely waddle at this point!" She cried out as Galaxy laughed gently looking to the doorway which was bustling as partygoers began to exit into the garden. Mother Morning smiled when she noticed the other goddess' outfit had turned to the bright purple dress she once wore that held stars and galaxies which seemed to float mid-air around her. "Who's that?" Galaxy asked as she pointed to a silver-haired man who adorned the Time crest on his suit. He stood with a few other silver-haired Gods in a circle as he laughed Mother Morning finally spotting him. "Rumor has it he's an outer god like you." Mother Morning said as Galaxy nodded before turning to the Time garden which seemed to be calling to her. "Yeah? Well... I think I'm going to try again on the thing we were attempting. I'll catch up later tell your father I've gone to the stars to destress." She said as Mother Morning called out to her nervously glancing at the partygoers and noticing that the man of interest had disappeared from sight as she rushed to the party group.


Galaxy smiled as she pushed the time gardens door open grabbing a pair of time cutting scissors and making her way to the Infinity bush which was now in full bloom.She couldn't help but smile as she began cutting time roses from the infinity bush watching as they wilted in her hand. "Amazing." She whispered as she dropped the now dead rose on the ground going to cut another. A pale hand reached forward and grabbed her own as she stood her dress dropping stars onto the temple floor as she looked to the mysterious silver-haired man from earlier her hand coming to her chest as she clutched the dark black scissors to her body scarred. "Oh I'm sorry did Mother Morning send you to find me?" She whispered as she tucked her pitch-black hair behind her ear. The man said nothing as he bent down picking up the dead rose and stood the flower turning a bright red and springing back to life Mother Galaxy grabbing the rose from his hand. "Who are you?" She whispered as she caressed the rose then looked to the male who smiled gently taking her scissors and cutting another rose her eyes watching it as it stayed alit with the universe it held. "If you're going to cut the roses make sure you cut them at an angle so they stay alive. Then you can make your own solar system." He said as she bent down next to him her black dress pooling around her as she leaned into him handing him the now blooming with life rose as he watched her closely. "Show me some more." She whispered as he nodded gently Speaking about the roses and the various other Time plants around them. The garden seemed to thrive as they spent hours cutting the roses each time they did the man simply made another bud which bloomed from the moonlight. Galaxy smiled as she finally cut another rose holding it to her mystery man who took it smiling gently. 

After a bit, they decided to call it a night and left the time garden various colors of time roses in Mother Galaxies hands as she let him close the door. "The next time I come to visit I would love to speak again. Thank you!" She said as she shoved the roses into her dress letting them float with the stars. She began to move away from the silver-haired man and back towards the party before she remembered something her body turning to see him. "Who are you again? I seemed to have forgotten!" She called as he smiled laughing to himself before turning around and calling to her loudly as there was now a good distance between them. "I'm Life!" He called as she gave him a thumbs up running to Mother Morning who was calling her name Galaxy disappearing then reappearing before him. "It's nice to meet you Life." She disappeared again and was now next to Mother Morning who was ushering her along the stone pathway as Galaxy yelled back to him. "Till next time Life!" She called as he smiled gently lifting a hand to wave at her before speaking to himself in a hushed tone while Father Time called his name. 

"Till next time."


Published May 16th, 2019 at 2:53 pm

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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