Chapter One

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My burgundy hair fell in front of my eyes, as a shifted into a crouch, a muted snarl ripping from my lips. It had been weeks since I fed last and my next meal was  walking towards me, down a dark alley way. The predator in me was watching with close eyes as I waited for the perfect time to strike.

It was over before the poor guy even knew what was happening. He didn't even have time to put up a fight, not that he would have stood a chance. I pushed his carcass off of me in disgust, wiping the blood off my mouth with the back of my pale hand. I always had a guilt complex after feeding. Apparently two centuries wasn't long enough to come to terms with what I was. I was a vampire, and I needed to accept it.

As I made my way through the darkened town, I reflected back on the night that changed my life so many years ago.

                                                214 Years Ago

I sat alone in the library minding my own business, nose buried in some book. I was so engrossed I didn't notice the man that quietly sat next to me.

"What are you reading?" He spoke, his voice like liquid velvet. I peered up over my book to study the man beside me. He had shoulder length black hair, and the most mesmerizing amber colored eyes. My breath hitched as my eyes tried to take in as much of his face as I could.

"Who are you?" I ignored his question, needing to know who this strange, but breathtaking man was.

"My names Theo. What is yours?" He answered, a sly smile plastered to his tantalizing mouth. I could barely form a coherent thought with the way he was staring at my face.

"Nerida," I stammered. He smiled.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, but tell me, Nerida, How does one acquire such a unique name?"

"My mom was really intruiged by the greek gods, and all of the greek mythology. So she named me Nerida. It translates to 'Sea Nymph'. They were the daughter of Nereus, mermaid, and deity of the seas." I answered, I loved the uniqueness and I loved the meaning behind my name. I had always been drawn to mermaids.

"How wonderful, ma sirene. It truly fits you." He breathed, face inching close to mine. I felt his breath fan over my face, and I was instantly flustered. I could feel my stomach tighten and clench at the nickname. This man was affecting me in ways no other man ever had.

"T-thank you," I whispered, not quite trusting my voice. Who was he?

"Take a walk with me, let me get to know you better. You intrigue me." I don't know what came over me, but I instantly stood, and placed my hand in his.

            He led me out the library doors, and into the cool, crisp night.

            "So tell me, ma sirene, what brings you out so late at night?"

            "Well, it's easier to focus at night, without all the distraction of the day. I've always felt more comfortable at night. There's less noise." I answered honestly.

            "A woman after my own heart," He breathed, clutching his free hand over his chest. "I too, am one with the night." I didn't know how literally he meant that.

            Before I knew it, he was leading me up the stairs to what I assumed was his apartment. He pulled out a brass key, and unlocked a mahogany door, leading me into a darkened entry way.

            "Welcome to my home, ma sirene. I hope you'll find it as inviting as I do." He spoke as he led me further into the house. I didn't have a chance to look around as he pushed me up against a wall, and pressed his lips to my neck. I let out a startled gasp. And tried to push him away. It was like trying to move a statue.

            He continued kissing up my neck, until he reached my jaw. He stopped his assault and looked into my eyes.

"Relax," He whispered. "Relax, ma sirene." I was putty in his capable hands.

            As he began kissing my neck again, all reservations I had flew out the door. I moaned and tangled my hands into his soft hair. He let out a growl and lifted my so that my legs could wrap themselves around his solid waist. He carried me to the couch, and roughly laid me down. He crawled on top of me, and pinned my hands above my head. I should have been more aware of the dark feeling I was getting in the pit of my stomach, but I mistaked it for lust.

            Once his lips moved from my neck to my face, I was on cloud nine. His breath tickled my face as he glanced darkly back to my neck. I pulled his head to mine, and roughly kissed him. His lips were like nothing I had ever experienced before, they were hard as a rock, but also soft as feathers. I moaned in pleasure and let my tongue taste his lips. He opened his mouth, and our tongues tentively touched for the first time.

            It was like electricity shot through my core and I was in heaven. I pulled him against me harder and cried out in surprise when I felt his teeth break through the skin of my neck.

            Terror rippled through me as I tried to pull away from him. It was a useless effort. A scream threatened to escape but he pressed his strong hand against my mouth, effectively cutting any noise off. I could feel him draining my body as I tried to fight him off. Blackness started to overcome my vision, and I welcomed it. Happy for the relief from the searing pain.

Present Day

            I sneered as I thought about how I woke up. I was completely unaware of what was happening to my body. I just knew Leo was gone and I was thirsty. So very thirsty. I murdered an entire apartment complex before a single person had the time to scream. I hadn't seen Leo since, but I looked forward to the day I saw him again. I was hell bent on revenge. I shook my head to push the memories away and I disappeared into the shadows of the night.

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