Chapter 3

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Caitlin's pov

You see we knew Mathew...but he didn't know us. I remember back in middle school his younger sister was in our year group and got suspended within a couple of months for cutting a whole lock of an innocent girls hair, when she refused to give her the answers in a maths test. Mathew was 3 years older than us and he soon left the school after sending some type of 'threat' to a teacher. We both knew already what type of person he was, judging from his background...

"Carissa...I don't think we should borrow the money."
"Why ever not?!" Carissa exclaimed.
"I mean. It's not like we desperately need money anyways."
"Caitlin...We just got our last notice or we might get evicted for not paying the bills in the past year..."
"I still don't know about it though." 
"C'mon Cait" Carissa moaned irritably, "Just let it go for goodness sake."
"No buts. I'm going to call Izzy and tell her to contact Mathew and arrange a time we can meet up tomorrow."

Carissa's pov
Izzy just called me and said that she had already called Mathew and told him about us. Izzy suggested that we meet her at the end of a street where she would show us the way to find Mathew. 

I told Cait and she started complaining already.
"7pm? What do you mean? I have to study!" she cried. "Anyways, isn't it going to be too dark by then?"
"It doesn't matter. Now stop fusing and get ready we have 15 minutes!" I argued.

When we arrived, Izzy was already waiting for us, which was a surprise as she is normally late for nearly everything- mostly her classes. 

"Hey, we aren't that far. Just follow my lead and then we can talk to Mathew." Izzy said

We followed her down a street and across a corner. It was starting to rain and there were small floods by the houses pathways. The street wasn't exactly clean but it was definitely untouched. The street was quite mysterious as it had a strong smell and taste of smoke. In fact it was so mysterious that it didn't even have a name. It seemed like it was an abandoned street with no one...apart from a dark figure.

"MATHEW!" Izzy bellowed.

The figure turned around in response.


Mathew was beginning to walk to our way. He was wearing a black hoodie with black pants and shoes. He had a black bandanna tied around his neck of the hood. And something white and rectangular  in his pocket that was dangling out. 
As he came nearer, we could see him grinning and greeted Izzy with a hug and shook both me and Caitlin's hands. It was very firm. I remember our dad telling us you could trust anyone with a strong handshake.

"Hi. Izzy told me a lot about you two." He smirked. "How can I help you guys."
"Uh... we were wondering if we could borrow some money." Caitlin paused. "We will pay back as soon as we can." 
He chuckled.

"Of course you can missy. I can give however much you want. Here is two thousand pounds. Now here's my deal- I give you the money and you can pay it to me back whenever you can. And I will tell you when I want the money back, whenever you can't pay it I will charge a couple extra hundred pounds after its been a couple of months. Deal?"

"Deal." we both say at the same time.

He hands us the envelope to me but for some reason my hand doesn't move to take it. Izzy looks at me and notices the struggled look on my face. 

"It's okay guys. I get all my favours from Mathew. He is the right guy to trust." she said.
Mathew gives her a wink.

Cait grabs the envelope before she regrets it. We say thank you and say goodbye as we leave.

Finally all are problems will go away...

hows it going guys?! <3
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and enjoy the following coming up!!!
Go and make someone smile today! 🥰
Remember you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending!!!


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