Chapter 2: Hanabi's Great Distress

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Many years ago, the god of the very first ninjas created the Order of the Scarlet Shadow, formed of countless outstanding disciples.

Conflict between the two sects gradually intensified, even to the point of drawing swords on one another.

In order to avoid bloodshed, the two sects decided that every ten years they would select the best Scarlet ninja and the best Shadow ninja to duel.

The winner would inherit the title "Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster", under whom the two sects would study according to the ninja code left behind by their god.

The winner would inherit the title "Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster", under whom the two sects would study according to the ninja code left behind by their god

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The teachings of the Scarlet Sect are centered around the unification of the heart and mind, and from a young age.

The Scarlet Sect. has this strongest girl ninja named Hanabi. However, her parents were killed while on the mission. Her agony for her parents makes her more determined to learn more ninja arts.

 Her agony for her parents makes her more determined to learn more ninja arts

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In her determination, she is been the Supreme Grandmaster at her young age. No one has defeated her until a new student came from the Shadow Sect. Hanabi is so confident to fight this boy to measure his strength.

"Let's go for a fight!," says Hanabi. "If that's what you wish," replied the kid with a malicious smile.

When they finish to take a bow. Hanabi do the first move to impress this new kid. He got the boy with a punch on his face. And she smiles with a boast. And she attacked again. But surprisingly, the boy disappeared in her sight. She didn't move. Her eyes turned round. "He's fast!" in her thoughts.

"Are you surprised?" he whispered at her side. "H-Ho-How did you d-do that," says Hanabi nervously.

Then he attacked her. That she couldn't even chase his kicks and punches because its too fast.

And she fell on the mat. She couldn't move her body. She couldn't even lift up her arms. Hayabusa lift her up with his arms around her back and the other lifts her knees. She looks at the boy with a great impress.

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