Chapter Six

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Laian's P.O.V.
I curled up in a ball in my wardrobe. Just like when I was little. I heard my door open and I pressed myself into the corner covering my face. My wardrobe clicked open and someone came in. The slid beside me. I looked up cautiously. It was Meliodas. I leaned against him.

"Are you okay?" He whispered. I shook my head.

"Why did he come back?" I asked in a soft voice.

"He's looking for the attic," He answered.

"He can't possibly think we have it," I said. He squirmed. I sighed. "We have it don't we?"

"Yeah, Merlin doesn't want her sister breaking it," He whispered.

"Morning Star Aldan doesn't break," I said.

"There are ways and her sister knows them," He replied. A bang echoed from downstairs.

"Stay here," he said scrambling out of the wardrobe. I heard lots of yelling, then silence. I shuffled to the door of my wardrobe and slid it open slightly. I peeked out. Estarossa came into my room and took my suitcase off of my wardrobe. I sat back. What was he doing? He opened the door and started pulling clothes out. He saw me and dropped the clothes in my suitcase.

"Oh good," he whispered. "Can you hide in here until I come an get you?" I nodded.

"Yeah," I replied. He went into the drawer below the wardrobe door. He took out the board from the bottom of it and leaned it against the wardrobe. He went to my bedside table and got my phone out. He passed it to me.

"This was Meliodas' idea," he whispered. "If anything happens text one of us. Do not leave and do not make a sound. He won't find you here,"

"But Estarossa he'll feel my presence, my power," I said.

"Put this on your wrist," He said passing me a chain. I put it on a felt my powers dim and fade out of reach. I frowned.

"Demon sealing chains." He whispered. I nodded in acknowledgement and shuffled into the corner. He passed me the only teddy that hadn't been ripped up and then put the board in place. I heard him continue packing things.

"I promise we will be back as soon as possible. Remember don't give yourself away no matter what," He said as he finished.

"I trust you," I whispered leaning my head on the board.

"You will not leave!" I heard my father yell from the door.

"We are!" Estarossa yelled.

"And how do you plan to get Laian out with you?" He growled.

"We can't find her. We've looked everywhere, I guess we'll just have to leave her," Estarossa said with a cold tone. I nearly gasped. He was lying to our father. And what did he mean about leaving?

"If you leave her, I'll find her, and I'll put her through things so bad she'll never trust a human again," My father hissed.

"Good thing we aren't human then isn't it?" Estarossa replied angrily and left. I heard my father storming after him. A tear rolled down my cheek. I heard the door slam. I hugged my knees. I had to stay here no matter what. But what if they never came back? I mean why would they? I shook my head. They would. I just had to trust them. From here, I could hear my father clattering around the house. He was in the hallway, outside my door.

"Where is it, where is it, where is it?" I heard him growl. He muttered something else and came into my room. He opened the wardrobe. I covered my mouth, he withdrew and left. I exhaled quietly. I hope they're quick.

Midnight. Laian's P.O.V.
I must have fallen asleep because when I next checked the time it was 12:00 am. Had they been back? It had been just under 13 hours since they left. I texted Meliodas

Messages are in italics.
Laian: Meliodas? Where are you? It's been 13 hours. I'm hungry, thirsty and cramped. At least I'm not with our dad but still!.

He replied after 10 minutes.

Meliodas: Laian I know how you feel and I promise we will be back. Hang in there.

Laian: How long?

Meliodas: I don't know.

Laian: Please be quick.

Meliodas: Stay safe.

I sighed. I assume my father would be asleep by now. A loud crash told me he wasn't. My legs were aching, I needed to stretch them, but I didn't dare go out. I hate to think what my father would do if he found me. My bedroom door opened.

"I know you're in here Laian. Come out now." He demanded. I nearly yelled at him but I bit my tongue.

"I've checked everywhere. But it's strange. I can't feel your power. What have you done?" He asked. I shrank into the corner. He couldn't know for definite. Could he? He growled angrily and started searching my room. I turned on my phone and switched it to silent and vibrate off then went to messages.

Laian: Meliodas!? He's looking all over my room for me. What do I do!?

Meliodas: Stay quiet. Can you connect your phone to the stereo downstairs?

Laian: Of course, but how is that oh...

Meliodas: We are coming to get you so distract him. Use an irritating song.

I went off messages and onto Spotify. I grinned into the darkness. I connected Spotify to the stereo/speaker downstairs. Time for 'Hop Hop'. (Please don't listen to that song, you will hate me forever.) I put it on as loud as it would go.

Meliodas: Really Laian, Hop Hop?

Laian: Not only is it a great song, unless you're a little kid you watches Super Mario Logan Jeffy videos you'll hate it :)

I turned off my phone again and sat back. I could hear my dad trying to turn off the stereo system downstairs. The wardrobe door opened. I thought he was downstairs! I shrank into the corner. The board moved. I inhaled sharply. Meliodas' face appeared. I smiled and threw my arms around his neck. He chuckled lightly and carried me out. Now that my legs were stretched out I felt the pain of the pins and needles. Meliodas put me down on the floor. I winced. He looked at me and tilted his head.

"Pins and needles," I whispered. He nodded and picked me up again. We crept downstairs and out of the door. Meliodas ran down the drive and dodge into the bushes.

"Have you been here all along?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Hello Laian," a woman said from behind me. I spun and looked up. It was Merlin. She was holding a suitcase.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere safe," Merlin replied.

"Merlin, look after her. We might be gone a while," Meliodas said. I looked around at him.

"Where are you going?" I asked in a panic.

"Be good for the sins," He said patting my head.

"Meliodas where are you going!?" I cried. He turned to leave. I grabbed his sleeve. He knelt down in front of me.

"Laian, I promise we'll be back. Whether it's a day or a year," He said gently. My eyes started burning.

"Why are you leaving?" I asked.

"So you can be safe. I want to protect you no matter what I have to do," He said. With that, he stood up and walked away. 

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