The Children Of Kozodorth

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Be sure to have read Gavin's Runaway Journey before you read this. A spoiler warning is in effect for all Arrowverse, Gotham, And Once Upon A Time.

May 6th, 2019, 11:32:48 pm. Connor's Perspective

"Dad, I'm sorry!" Gavin apologized. "I didn't know Neron would do this!"

"It's ok Gavin," I said. "We gotta get to Port Huron, Michigan. I have some friends who may help." We get into the car. I was shaken by the loss of my husband Dragon. The fate of the world now rests in my hands. "How about some tunes?" I asked Gavin. I turn on the radio.

"Hey Dad?" Gavin asked. He pulled open a box full of books. "What are these?"

"They are stories of all my adventures," I said. 

"What's this one," He asked, pulling out a book. "The Dragon Chronicles?"

"That's your father's story," I said. "Would you like me to read you a section of it?" 

"Yes Papa," Gavin said.

London, December 7th, 2012. Dragon's Perspective from the book.

I'm now under the burden of Kozodorth. Everyday he gets stronger and tries to break out of his bonds that have been put on him. Logan and Mason have found something out here that can remove spirits. Connor, my love, I've kept Kozodorth a secret from him, and one day, he will find out that I'm destined to destroy the Earth. I feel as if I'm the hobbit and Kozodorth is the ring, weighed down by the one I didn't ask for. 

"Hey!" Logan said. "You ok?"

"I'm fine," I said.

"You look tired?" Mason asked.

"I can't sleep. If I do, Kozodorth tries to take over," I said.

"When did this start becoming a problem?" Logan asked.

"3 days ago," I said. 

"You could've told us, we've been by your side for 5 years now!" Logan reminded me. 

"Thanks to your magic, we aren't able to age," Mason grinned.

"And now I pay the price!" I yelled. "Guess Rumpelstiltskin was right, 'Magic has a price'."

"Didn't Oliver just return to Star City, recently?" Logan asked. 

"He won't recognized me, I haven't met him yet," I said. "Did you get what you came for?"

Logan pulls out a Bottle. "This will push Kozodorth into a deep sleep." He told me. "But, He will still be inside you." 

I took the potion and dranked. I collapsed in exhaustion.

"Get him to bed," Logan told Mason.

Port Huron, Michigan. May  7th, 2019. 8:24:21 am. Connor's Perspective.

I go up to the door of the house and knock. A woman answers the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked. 

"Me and my son need to see your sons," I said.

"Who are you?" She asked. 

"I'm married to a friend of Logan and Masons," I explain. 

"They aren't up right now, but why don't you come inside?" She offered. We came inside and sat. She brought out breakfast. "Ever since my boys went down the path of magic, I've learned to always expect visitors," she said.

"I thought they stopped with magic," I said.

"They are still looking for a spell to bring back the ones they lost," she explained. "They almost gave up, but they found something."

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