Chapter 1: Beginning of the End

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"...Don't leave me, y/n."

You had never heard Bakugo's voice sound so fragile, defeated, and...broken.

When the unruly mess of spiky ash blonde head of hair finally lifted, sunken watery crimson orbs met hollow remorseful e/c ones.

After seeing the pain, despair, anguish, and all the other heavy flow of emotions flood through his heavy-lidded and swollen eyes at once, you bit your tongue, eyes trembling and softening dramatically.

You felt like you were drowning in a pool of regret. You were supposed to be as solid as a rock, just be there to hold onto the shaking boy at his moment of crisis, but your shoulders drooped, grip on him faltering and weakening. Your face went blank, sore eyes staring ahead as you questioned if you had done the right thing in the first place by breaking up with the boy, who started to grow numb and empty inside, falling limply into your arms.

Ahead of you two was the quiet, dark, and empty street of endless houses and apartments that was devoid of people and illuminated by no more than a handful of dim and almost burnt out streetlights. It was a drastic contrast to the lively, noisy, and crowded hustle and bustle of the streets during the daytime.

You would make your way through this same beaten path to your house almost every day, so it wasn't a surprise you had made some fond and everlasting memories around here, many of which revolved around you and Bakugo, especially since he had walked you home more times than you could count.

He would always grumble and complain at first, seemingly reluctant to do so, but he always did because he wanted to make sure you arrived home safely.

The winter breeze had picked up, the chilly air affecting your lungs as you exhaled a visible puffy cloud of condensation.

You squeezed your eyes shut in response to your eyes drying out, combating the cold that caused your cheeks to redden as you fell into a small trance, nostalgia hitting you like a truck. You recounted some of the deep and life changing conversations you had with him along this road before and after you guys were officially boyfriend and girlfriend.

A little way's down, there was a hole in the wall café (that was your favorite spot), where your relationship with him blossomed. And two blocks down, in front of your house, was where you two shared your first painfully awkward kiss.

This memory usually made you chuckle, but now was not the time or place since every sound could be heard, including what you thought was the slowing of your beating heart and ragged sharp breathing.

It was the one time you wished it wasn't this silent since you could also hear the ash blonde's whimpers that seemed to finally die down, your heart shattering into a million pieces at the sound.

Glossy-eyed and swallowing hard, a pain pinched at your chest as you thought about taking back everything you had just said and just get back together with him...but deep down you knew it wasn't right to stay with him just because you felt bad or even sorry for him. In fact, you still loved him. Heck, you still loved him more than anyone in this world, but you just didn't love him the way he still loved you or love him the way you used to.

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