Stain's Return

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     "You're going to be alright," you tell Tensei, who's in critical condition. Honestly,  you think as you use your quirk, The odds of him surviving are incredibly low. There's no way that my quirk alone can save him, but if I use my quirk to the fullest extent, he might have a fighting chance.  You take a deep breath and concentrate all of your energy on Tensei's injuries. You begin to feel lightheaded, but continue healing him anyway. Your consciousness begins to fade as you push your quirk to the limit.

     "I-is he... St-stabilizing?" you utter, nearly fainting from exhaustion.

     A few moments later, someone replies, "Yes, he's okay." You stop using your quirk and gaze upon the wounded Hero. You breathe heavily as you thank the other doctors who stayed at the hospital to aid Tensei. Without them, you would've passed out long before his condition had stabilized.

     As the other doctors begin to leave, you pull up a chair beside Tensei. He's starting to wake, and looks over at you with an embarrassed expression.

     "I... " he murmurs, still quite weak, "I should've wait-t-ted... until... I recovered....."

     "Iida," you soothe, gingerly putting a hand on his shoulder. "For now, you just need to rest, okay?"

     "H-how bad... is it?" Worry envelops you as you try to find a subtle way to phrase a response.

     "Honestly," you groan, "It's pretty bad. I don't think... you'll ever be able to use your legs again."

     His face pales as tears trickle down his cheeks. You try to comfort him, but he just keeps sobbing. 

     "I'm sorry," you whimper. "I'm so sorry. But I promise, I'll do everything I can to help you. I won't rest until you're perfectly well. I promise..." You begin to wipe away your tears when you feel Tensei suddenly grasp your hand.

     "Thank y-you, (y/n)..." He drifts to sleep, still holding your hand. I guess,  you think, That I should just stay here tonight, in case anything happens to him.

     A few hours later, you realize that you had fallen asleep. Your stomach is grumbling, and you recall that you haven't eaten dinner yet. You stand up to leave when you feel Tensei tighten his grip on your hand slightly.

     "Please," he whispers, "D-don't... go....." 

     You ignore your hunger and softly reply, "Alright, I'll stay for the night. But tomorrow-" You notice that he's already dozed off again. He's like an angel,  you think. So beautiful and pure... Oh, what am I thinking? He'd never fall for someone like me. I've got a brain and healing power, but he- he has it all. I just hope that I can fix his injuries...

     Sunlight seeps through a window and onto Tensei's face, waking him gently. He notices you waking up, too, from sleeping upright in your chair. 

     "(y/n)," he utters quietly, "You're... still here..."

     A weary smile spreads across your face, and you whisper, "Of course. You wanted me to stay, didn't you?"

     "....You can-n leave, if-f y-y-you want," he mumbled.

     "That's not what I meant," you say, shocked at how he took your response. "I didn't mind, really. And I'm actually quite glad that you wanted me to stay. I don't want to leave you, Tensei. I want to stay here with you." 

     Thinking that you might've overstepped by saying that, Tensei replies, "I w-want... you t-to stay, too." You're in total disbelief as you notice a tinge of blush on his face.

A Hero's Purpose (Tensei Iida x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now