Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Seventy-two days. That's how long I've been in this cage being beaten and raped everyday. At first I prayed everyday that someone would come save me. Now I just pray that today I will die. "Well little one, looks like it's time to come out and play." One of my captors tells me. I am leaned against the back of the cage with my head down on top of my knees that are pulled up to my chest. Before he can get the cage opened, the door to the warehouse opens and a group of men come in with guns aimed at my captor. "Hey, hey. Who are you?" my captor asks. "Doesn't matter who we are." One of the men says before shooting him in the head, killing him. I let out a scream and all heads turn towards me. "Shit." One man says. He opens the cage door and goes to reach for me and I cower away. "Please don't. Please." I beg as I sob. They all stand to the side and I hear one man say "We can't just leave her here." Another man says "What do you want to do? Look at her. She won't let anyone touch her." he says. I see one of the men walk away from the crowd and he kneels down at the door of the cage. "What's your name Sweetheart?" I don't say anything. "I won't hurt you. What's your name?" he asks softly again. "Tristan." I say softly. "Tristan, my name is Angel. I need you to take my hand and come with me. We won't hurt you but you can't stay here." he says softly. I look at him for a minute before looking at his hand and placing my hand in it. "Come on sweetheart. I got you." He tells me and something about him makes me believe that he won't hurt me. Once I'm out of the cage, he cups my face and asks "Where are you hurt?" I look down and he realizes what has happened. "We need to get her to Vicki's." Angel says to the rest of the guys. Turning to me he says "We're going to take you to a friend. She has a doctor that can look at you but I'm gonna need you to ride with me on my bike. Are you okay with that?" he asks and I just nod, not looking him in the eye. "Okay." He says as he takes my hand and leads me to the bikes outside. He helps me get on the bike and puts his helmet on me and then gets on the bike. I put my arms around him but not tight and he grabs my hands gently and pulls me closer. "I need you to hang on tight Tristan." He tells me and I do as he says.

It's not long before we pull up at a house in the middle of nowhere. Angel gets off the bike and takes the helmet off of me before helping me off the bike. "Just stay by me. I got you." He tells me and again I just nod.

We walk inside and a woman walks up and greets the guys. "Bishop, what can I do for you guys?" She asks. "Vicki, this is Tristan. Think your doctor can check her out?" Bishop asks. "Sure. Sweetheart come with me." She says. I look at Angel and he says "I'll be right here if you need me." I nod and follow behind her.

Once I'm out of earshot Taza asks "How the fuck did you do that?" Angel shrugs and says "I don't know man. But if she feels safer with me I'm gonna be there." Bishop looks at him and says "Well that might not be an option. We can't keep her around man." Angel looks at him. "She ain't got anywhere to go." Coco smirks and asks "You claiming then?" Angel looks at him and stands a little taller and says. "Yeah. I am."

Vicki walks me into what looks like a bedroom and tells another girl "Get Regina." She nods and does as she's told. She closes the door and asks "What happened Sweetheart?" as she leads me to sit on the bed. "I was kidnapped. Kept in a cage." I tell her. "How long?" she asks. "Seventy two days." She looks at me shocked and says "Damn baby girl." Before she can say anything else, there's a knock on the door. Vicki opens the door to reveal a woman that looks like she's in her mid thirties. "Tristan, this is Regina. She's our resident doctor. Is it okay if she checks you out?" Vicki asks and I nod. She checks my face and ribs and asks "Were you...?" and all I can do is nod my head yes. "I need you to take your pants off sweetheart. I'm going to do this as quick as I can but if you need me to stop, tell me." she says and I just nod. While she's examining me, Vicki is sitting next to me and holding my hand telling me it's almost over and that everything will be okay. Once the doctor is done, I have tears falling down my face and she says "She has a couple of vaginal tears but nothing that won't heal on its own." Vicki nods. She leaves and Vicki stays to help me get my clothes back on and help me get calmed down.

Regina walks back out to the living room where the guys are and Angel asks "How is she?" Regina looks at him and says "She has a few vaginal tears but I think the mental damage is a lot worse than the physical. Does she have anywhere to go?" Regina asks. "She's with me now." Angel says and Regina just nods. "Be patient with her and don't be surprised if she starts having nightmares. I heard what she told Vicki that happened." They all look at her and say "She hasn't said anything to us yet." Bishop says. Before Regina can say anything, Vicki and I walk out to the living room. She leads me to one of the couches and sits next to me. Angel comes over and takes the seat on the other side of me and takes my hand and I instantly feel calmer. The rest of the guys take seats around the living room.

Bishop speaks first. "Tristan, I know you've been through some shit but we need you to tell us what happened." I tense and feel Angel put his hand on my back and start rubbing up and down. "It's okay. Just tell us what you know." he says and I nod. " was kidnapped a couple of months ago. They kept me in that cage. Only time they brought me out was to beat me and rape me. They did everyday." I tell them and feel Angel put his arm around me and place his hand on my hip and it's calming. "Do you know who they were?" Riz asks. "The one that you shot was Mateo. But I heard the names Lucious and Julio. But they said something about going after someone named Galindo. I also heard the name Lobo Senora." I tell them and see their eyes go wide. "Shit." Bishop says. "How long had you been in that cage?" Coco asks. I look down at my hands and say "I counted the days. Seventy Two. But we were in that building the entire time." I tell them. "That means they aren't moving around a lot. That's good." Creeper says. "Vicki, can Tristan stay here until we get back?" Angel asks and I tense up again. "Sure. I got her." Vicki says as she takes my hand. I look at Angel and he sees the panic in my eyes and says "Give me a minute guys?" Everyone gets up and leaves the room. Angel cups my face and says "I need you to listen to me. You trust me right? You're okay being here with me?" he asks and I nod my head yes. "Here's what's happening. We're going after the rest of the guys that attacked you. To make sure you're protected, I claimed you as my girl. You're mine. We'll talk more when we get back but I need you to stay here and stay close to Vicki. Will you do that for me?" he asks and I nod. "Thank you Angel." I say. "I got you sweetheart." he says before kissing my forehead. We walk to the next room where everyone else is and Angel still has his arm around me and I see the guys smirking and he pulls me closer to him. "We'll be back as soon as we can. Thanks for your help." Angel says and she nods. He looks at me and says "I'll be back soon." I nod and say "Please be careful." I whisper. "I will sweetheart. Just stay close to Vicki." he tells me. Kissing my forehead one more time he heads out the door and Vicki walks up and puts her arm around me and says "He'll be fine." before leading me to the living room. I ask her if I can take a shower and she helps me get set up in the bathroom.

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