My first Phillion

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Sunday evenings are the worst, there's never anything to do. I slumped in my laptop chair editing my most recent video.

"Goodbyeeeee" I dragged out the I sound as a swooped in to engulf the camera in a hug.

"Ugh." I sighed. "Why am I so lame." I added my last comment into the description.

Posted: 19:27. Views: 1,289. likes: 214

I was pleasantly surprised as I scrolled on:

Comments: 7

I actually had comments this early?

I clicked the 'see more' option as I lowered into the comments section.

"Nice hare gay boy." Some illiterate twat was first to comment. And I wasn't aware I had homosexual hair..??

"Check out my channel!" A link followed the swift comment that had probably been copy and pasted to every video she'd watched.

Moving on.

"Nice video. I saw an Origin of symmetry poster in the background, I love muse too<3" finally, something worth my attention.

"Thanks-," I scanned the username, "-dan, Muse are my favourite band, I often get told I look like matt haha."

"Omg I see the resemblance, haha. You're matt Bellamy with a sprinkle more cuteness." I flushed a light tone of pink.

I caught a glimpse of his picture. "Aha why thank you. You look like a brunette version of Dom Howard with a dash more adorable-ness if I don't say so myself," I held my breath as I anticipated a reply.

"Well I'll certainly take that as a compliment, he's a very talented drummer I'd love to be like him. I only play piano myself; badly haha."

"I'd like to hear it some time :-)." I put a smiley face to seem more friendly. I don't know, I don't know how to be sociable.

"Find me on twitter :-) @danisnotonfire."

Oh... I myself had 9k twitter followers, which paled in comparison to my 12k YouTube subscribers. Just another glory hunter Dan seemed to be.

"Okay. Mine is @AmazingPhil :-)." I gave him my twitter anyway, not expecting anything after I followed him. Might aswell just give him what he wanted so he wouldn't bug me any further about it.


"Hey 'AmazingPhil.' So tell me, what's so amazing about you then?" Dan had direct messaged me. Colour me surprised.

"Nothing much, I picked the name for ironic hilarity."

"Awwh, I'm sure you're more extraordinary than you think. I mean, you certainly know how to make me laugh in your videos. Not to mention your hair is on point."

I looked more closely at his icon - his eyes were like sparkly chocolate orbs, and he was visibly sun kissed. I had to say though, his hair was pretty 'on point' too.

"Well thank you, I'll have to make one especially for you one day-and hey, your hair is the same as mine pretty much!"

"I'll feel so honoured, an 'AmazingDanIsNotOnFire video haha. Cris cross."

"I have to go out in a few minutes, so I won't be able to get internet-text me?? 078146724680"

"The fangirl in me is screaming, I have amazingPhils number."


"Hey you :-)" my phone lit up displaying a message, I could only assume was from dan. That was quick.

"What should I save you as? I don't know your last name." I replied.

"Dan Howell :-)"

"Howell? Like the wolf."

"I guess, haha. What should I save you as AmazingPhil?"

"Phil Lester."

"Like MoLester?"

"Not one of my personal hobbies, but yeah I guess it is like MoLester."

"What are some of your personal hobbies then, other than YouTube and not molesting people."

"I like to sing a lot. I'm not very good but it's fun, I sing when no ones home though, so no one hears."

"Would you sing if I was in your home?" My heart skipped a beat. Was Dan Howell suggesting he comes to my house?

"No." I replied shortly.

"Oh. Well that's disappointing, I would love to hear you sing. Your speaking voice is quite beautiful on its own already."

How could I say no to this beautiful doe eyed boy.

"One day, maybe."

"Excellent. I'll look forward to it Mr.Lester."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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