12 Years Later

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I rolled over to my side, my springy bed creaked as I did so. Above me I heard Percy rolling over, too. I smelled beer and heard the T.V. Oh, good. Gabe's awake. He was my alarm to know when to get up for school. Percy, that's my twin brother, and I go to a fancy school called Yancy Academy.

We both live in dorms at the school, but we both really miss our mom; so every Tuesday, we stay at her apartment. I got out of bed, wearing my tank top and sweats, and stretched.

I woke up Percy by saying in a gruff tone, "Come on, you worthless piece of sewer scum!" Percy got up and fell out of bed, cursing and looked up at me. I laughed as he said, "I fall for that Gabe impression every time."


I beat Percy to the shower first and took a long time, just to annoy him. When I got out, the whole bathroom was covered in steam. I opened the door and smiled at a annoyed Percy.

"Go ahead." I told him. "Bathroom's free." He scowled at me and muttered something that rhymed a tiny bit like, "Little witch." I went through my drawers to find something to wear.

Our entire class was going to a museum, and I wanted to look good for the curators. He finally came out and I went in to change. 


We got dressed in record time, brushed our teeth, and went into the living room. Our lazy stepfather, Smelly Gabe Ugliano, was on the couch drinking. We sat down at the messy table and ate granola bars; since our mom, Sally Jackson, was still asleep.

Gabe paused the T.V. and turned to us. I pinched Percy to remind him not to say anything. Gabe burped loudly and said, "So, you brats still hang out with that crippled kid?" Percy had to pinch me from saying anything. Gabe was referring to mine and Percy's friend, Grover Underwood.

Grover is crippled from his legs. He has to have crutches which excuses him from all P.E. classes because he has a funny limp, but you should see him when it's enchilada day at school. He is our best friend, the one we always confide in, so of course we get mad when Gabe makes fun of him.

"I really don't think it's any of your business, like you actually care anyways." Percy snarled. Gabe stared him down, but Percy didn't look away. Finally, Mom came into the room, drying her hair. Ahhh, Mom. She's the ray of sunshine in our life.

Why she puts up with Ugly Ugliano, I haven't the slightest idea. She has curly dark brown hair, blue eyes, crinkles that indicates she smiles...A LOT. "Hey Mom." Percy and I said in unison, Gabe forgotten. Mom smiled. "Hey, kiddos. You two need to hurry up and catch the subway or else you'll be late."

Gabe hating the way she smiles at us says, "Sally! Hurry up and make some food!" Mom stops smiling and looks at him coldly. "Okay, but then I have to go to work." Percy and I grab our bags and leave the apartment, not wanting to see Mom work like a slave to that horrible fatty.

*Percy's P.O.V.*

I can't believe Mom stands that guy! He doesn't work, he stinks up the whole apartment, and makes Mom slave away. Ugh! I push Aria away from the curb just as a cab comes out of control past the corner and is gone.

"Manhattan, New York everyone. Where cab drivers go below the speed limit." I say as we run down the street. Aria laughs and some guy, about 19, looks at her and trips over a crack on the floor, and lands straight on his face.

We start running and laughing at the same time, going down the subway stairs, and showing the guards our passes. "Did you see his face as he went down?" Aria snickered. I laughed. "It was like, 'Oh no!'"

And I made this weird constipated face that caused Aria to start bursting with laughter. "I am -hic- going to -hic- pee my -hic- pants!" she hiccupped. I stepped back. "Oh, you better not!"

We heard the subway pull up and we ran to the doors as fast as we could. We didn't run because we

thought we would miss it. No, we ran so we could get seats and not stand.

*A couple minutes later*

We stepped out into the bright sunlight and ran to the front of Yancy Academy, our school. "I swear that guy was eyeballing me." I told Aria. "Percy," she said. "It looks like you have a secret admirer." I glared. "Very funny."

She smiled, then frowned. "I forgot! Nancy Bobofit is my partner for the trip today." I laughed. "My partner is Grover." She glared. Nancy Bobofit is this really mean girl who constantly bullies me. She doesn't bother Aria anymore, because Aria used to be a total bookworm and Nancy thought it would be funny and grab Aria's book and rip out the last chapter.

Aria got up and threw herself at Nancy and started fighting her. And I don't mean slapping hands, pulling hair, and breaking nails. No, I mean, Aria grabbed Nancy by the head and threw her to the floor and started punching, kicking, scratching, and banging Nancy's head against the concrete floor. It was an unholy sight to see.

The teachers were so afraid to go near them to break it up; but our favorite teacher, Mr. Brunner, pulled Aria off Nancy and told her to calm down. Nancy looked like if she were in an explosion. Her face was raw and bloody, her lips were cut open, she had bruised eyes, a fractured jaw, broken nose, and all of her ribs were shattered.

Aria didn't have a scratch on her. Grover held her back while the paramedics came for Nancy. Mom convinced the school and Nancy's parents not to press charges, but Aria and I are on probation. Why am I on probation?

Well, on a fifth grade field trip, I accidently shot a cannon that hit our school bus. And in fourth grade, I accidently pulled the wrong lever and everyone on the catwalk went for an unplanned swim. Anyways, Nancy is Aria's roommate at Yancy and Grover is mine. So naturally, the teachers pair us up with our roommates. Nancy was so scared of Aria after that day, she became totally obsessed with ruining mine and Grover's life.

Today we're going to a museum where Mr. Brunner, Yancy's Latin teacher, and this totally mean teacher, Ms. Dodds. Ms. Dodds adores Nancy and evidently thinks Aria and I are devil spawn. She points at me and says, "Now honey," and then I have to erase answers from all the math textbooks. She hates me more than Aria.

When Aria get in trouble, Ms. Dodds gives her this sweet smile and says, "Now honey, You must understand that you can't push my limits." And then she just goes on to torturing me.

I once told Grover that Ms. Dodds wasn't human and he looked at me solemnly and said, "You're right."

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